Groundsmaster 4000−DCutting Units
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MOUNTING: Cutting decks are supported by lift arms
controlled with individual hydraulic lift levers.
CONSTRUCTION: Deck chamber is welded 12 gauge
steel construction reinforced with channels and plates.
HEIGHT−OF−CUT RANGE: 1” to 5” (2.54 cm to 12.7
cm) in 1/2” (1.27 cm) increments. Front deck height−of−
cut adjustment is achieved by changing spacers on cas-
tor wheels and adjusting length of deck support chains.
Side deck adjustment requires adding or removing
spacers from the castor forks, re−positioning the castor
wheel axles in the castor forks, and securing the pivot
arms to the correct height−of−cut bracket holes.
DECK DRIVE: Closed loop hydraulic system operates
hydraulic motor on each cutting deck. Motor drives one
spindle directly with remaining deck spindle(s) driven by
B section kevlar v−belt(s). Blade spindles are 1−1/4”
(3.17 cm) shafts supported by greaseable, tapered roll-
er bearings.
CUTTING BLADE: Cutting blade dimensions are
21.75” (55.2 cm) long, 2.5” (6.4 cm) wide, and .25” (.64
cm) thick. Anti−scalp cup installed on each cutting
blade. Three blades on front deck and two blades on
each side deck.
WIDTH OF CUT: Front deck provides 62” (157.5 cm)
width of cut. Each side deck has 42” (106.7 cm) width of
cut. Total width of cut is 132” (335.3 cm) with 7” (12.8 cm)
DISCHARGE: Clippings are discharged from the rear of
the cutting decks. Provided mounting holes allow at-
tachment of optional Guardian Recycler Kit.
SUSPENSION SYSTEM: A fully floating suspension
with hydraulic counterbalance. Front deck suspended at
rear from lift arms and has two castor wheels, two ad-
justable skids, and two anti−scalp rollers. Each side
deck supported by three castor wheels and a spring
damper system which connects the fourth deck corner
to the traction unit. There is a main lift arm that provides
counterbalance to the side decks along with a rear anti−
rotation link which also provides bi−directional impact
protection. Optional Guardian Recycler Kit includes one
anti−scalp roller on each cutting deck.