Groundsmaster 4000−D Cutting UnitsPage 8 − 9
1. Position machine on a clean, level surface. Lower
cutting units, stop engine, engage parking brake, and
remove key from the ignition switch.
2. Remove hydraulic motor from cutting deck (see Cut-
ting Deck Motor Removal in the Service and Repairs
Section of Chapter 4 − Hydraulic Systems).
IMPORTANT: Do not change the length of the damper
link. The length of the damper link should be 5.370” +
.075” (13.6 cm + .2 cm) measured between rod end cen-
3. Remove hairpin and clevis pin that secure the damp-
er link to the rear of the cutting deck (Fig. 7).
4. Remove eight flange head screws, flat washers, and
lock nuts that secure deck mount to cutting deck (Fig. 6).
5. Raise lift arm enough to separate deck mount from
cutting deck.
6. Slide the cutting deck away from the traction unit.
1. Position machine on a clean, level surface. Stop
engine, engage parking brake, and remove key from the
ignition switch.
2. Position the side cutting deck to the lift arm.
3. Lower lift arm while aligning deck mount to cutting
4. Install deck mount to cutting deck with eight flange
head screws, flat washers, and lock nuts (Fig. 6). Tight-
en fasteners.
IMPORTANT: Do not change the length of the damper
link. The length of the damper link should be 5.370” +
.075” (13.6 cm + .2 cm) measured between rod end cen-
5. Install clevis pin and hairpin that secure the damper
link to the rear of the cutting deck (Fig. 7).
6. Install hydraulic motor to cutting deck (see Cutting
Deck Motor Installation in the Service and Repairs Sec-
tion of Chapter 4 − Hydraulic Systems).
7. Lubricate grease fittings on cutting deck and lift as-
sembly (see Operator’s Manual).
1. Flange head screw
2. Hydraulic motor
3. Deck mount screw
Figure 6
1. Damper link 2. Clevis pin
Figure 7
5.370” + .075”
(13.6 cm +
.2 cm)
Cutting Units