Groundsmaster 4000--D Hydraulic System (Rev. B)Page 4 -- 63
8. Place exterior r etaining ring (3), thrust race (12),
thrust bearing (13), second thrust race (12), and second
retaining ring (3) onto drive shaft (21). Position washer
(24) and shaft seal (25) onto shaft.
9. Install shaft assembly into front of housing. Seat seal
(25) into position with s eal driver and retain with interior
retaining ring (2).
10.Install servo piston follower (8) onto camplate dowel
pin. Install camplate (11) carefully onto bushing (44)
(coat bushing surface with hydraulic oil), aligning servo
piston follower (8) with slot in servo piston assembly (7).
11.Position housing in a horizontal position. Holding
camplate (11) in position with screw driver through con-
troller linkage passageway at the top of housing, place
rotating kit assembly (6) overshaft andinto housing until
pistons are against camplate (11). Make sure all parts
are in housing completely and are properly positioned.
Return the pump to thevise with open end of housing up,
clamping housing on the outer portion of the flange.
12.Install gasket (32) onto housing.
13.If necessary, press new bearing (45) and roll pin (38)
in backplate (20) to dimensionshown in Figure 43.Note:
Bearing should be installed with the numbered end out-
ward. Roll pin should be installed w ith split oriented
away from bearing.
14.Install new o--ring on relief valves (16 & 26). Install
relief valve in the cavity in backplate that it was removed
and torque from 100 to 110 ft--lb (136 to 149 N --m).
15.Install new o--ring on bypass valve (14). Install by-
pass valve (14) into backplate (20). Note: Make sure
paddle of bypass valve is perpendicular to relief valve
axis prior to installing or damage could result.
16.Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the steel
side of valve plate (18) to hold in place for installation.
Aligning the index pin, place the valve plate (18) in posi-
tion onto the backplate (20), with steel side against
17.Install backplate assembly (20)onto housing assem-
bly (19). Make sure ports are positioned correctly, and
that valve plate (18) and gasket (32) stay in place.
18.Retain backplate (20) with four cap screws (15).
Torque cap screws from 27 to 31 (37 to 42 N--m).
19.Install control housing gasket (34) onto housing.
Install orifices (30) into servo control assembly (28) and
retain in position with petroleum jelly. Position the feed-
back link at 90 degrees from control housing. Install
manual servo control assembly (28) onto housing mak-
ing sure feedback linkentered smallgroove inservo pis-
ton assembly (7).
20.Secure control assembly with six socket head
screws (17). Torque screws from 40 to 48 in--lb (4.5 to
5.4 N--m).
21.Install control arm (27) onto control assembly input
shaft. Retain with lock washer (23) and nut (22). Torque
22.Install remaining plugs that were removed from
pump. Torque 3/4 in. plug from 21 to 24 ft--lb (28 to 32