Groundsmaster 4000--D Hydraulic System (Rev. B)Page 4 -- 1
Chapter 4
Hydraulic System
Table of Contents
SPECIFICATIONS 2.............................
GENERAL INFORMATION 3.....................
Hydraulic Hoses 3............................
Hydraulic Fitting Installation 3...................
Towing Traction Unit 5.........................
Check Hydraulic Fluid 5.......................
HYDRAULIC SCHEMATICS 6....................
Hydraulic Schematic (S/N below 220999999) 6...
Hydraulic Schematic (S/N above 230000000) 7...
Traction Circuit 8..............................
Lower Cutting Unit 10..........................
Raise Cutting Unit 12..........................
Mow 14......................................
Steering Circuit 16............................
SPECIAL TOOLS 18............................
Hydraulic Pressure Test Kit 18..................
Hydraulic Tester (Pressure and Flow) 18.........
Hydraulic Test Fitting Kit 19.....................
Measuring Container 19.......................
TROUBLESHOOTING 20........................
TESTING 23...................................
Test No. 1: Traction Circuit Charge Pressure 24...
Test No. 2: Traction Circuit Relief Pressure 26....
Test No. 3: Cutting Deck Circuit Pressure 28......
Test No. 4: Cutting Deck Gear Pump Flow 30.....
Test No. 5: Cutting Deck Manifold
Relief Pressure 32...........................
Test No. 6: Cutting Deck Motor Case
Drain Leakage 34...........................
Test No. 7: Steering Circuit Relief Pressure 36....
Test No. 8: Lift/Lower Circuit Relief Pressure 38...
Test No. 9: Steering and Lift/Lower
Gear Pump Flow 40.........................
Test No. 10: Counterbalance Pressure 42........
Test No. 11: Rear Traction Circuit (RV5)
Relief Pressure 44...........................
Test No. 12: Traction Circuit Reducing
Valve (PR) Pressure 46......................
ADJUSTMENTS 48.............................
Adjust Front Cutting Unit Lift Flow Control 48.....
SERVICE AND REPAIRS 49.....................
General Precautions for Removing and
Installing Hydraulic System Components 49....
Check Hydraulic Lines and Hoses 49............
Flush Hydraulic System 50.....................
Charge Hydraulic System 51...................
Gear Pump 52................................
Gear Pump Service 54.........................
Piston (Traction) Pump 58......................
Piston (Traction) Pump Service 60..............
Piston Pump Control Assembly 64..............
Hydraulic Control Manifold: 4 Wheel Drive 66.....
Hydraulic Control Manifold Service:
4 Wheel Drive 68............................
Control Manifold: Deck Drive 70........
Hydraulic Control Manifold Service: Deck Drive 71
Hydraulic Control Manifold: Cutting Deck
Lift/Lower 72................................
Hydraulic Control Manifold Service: Cutting
Deck Lift/Lower 73..........................
Hydraulic Control Manifold: Filter Manifold 74.....
Hydraulic Control Manifold Service:
Filter Manifold 75............................
Hydraulic Control Manifold: Flow Divider 76......
Hydraulic Control Manifold Service:
Flow Divider 77.............................
Rear Axle Motor 78...........................
Front Wheel Motors 80........................
Rear Axle/Front Wheel Motor Service 82.........
Cutting Deck Motor 85.........................
Cutting Deck Motor Service 86..................
Lift/Lower Control Valve 90.....................
Lift/Lower Control Valve Service 92..............
Steering Valve 94.............................
Steering Valve Service 96......................
Side Deck Lift Cylinder 98......................
Front Deck Lift Cylinder 100....................
Lift Cylinder Service 102.......................
Steering Cylinder 104..........................
Steering Cylinder Service 106..................
Hydraulic Reservoir 108.......................
Hydraulic Oil Cooler 110.......................