Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--D Page 5 -- 3 Electrical System
Yanmar Engine Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
The Yanmar engine that powers the Groundsmaster
4000--D and 4010--D uses an electronic control unit
(ECU) for engine management and also to communi-
catewith theTEC controllers andthe InfoCenterDisplay
on the machine. All engine ECU electrical connectors
shouldbeplugged into the controllerb efore themachine
ignition switch is moved from the OFF position to either
the RUN or START position. If the engine ECU is to be
disconnected for anyreason, makesure thatthe ignition
switch is in the OFF position with the key removed for a
minimumof thirty(30) secondsbefore disconnectingthe
engine ECU. SeeChapter 3 -- Yanmar Diesel Enginefor
additional engine ECU information.
Figure 2
1. Electronic control unit (model 30603 / 30605)
2. Alternator
Figure 3
1. Electronic control unit (model 30607 / 30609)
2. Alternator
Yanmar Engine Electrical Components
When servicing or troubleshooting the engine electrical
components,use thecorrectengineservice manualand
troubleshooting manual. Also, the Yanmar SMART-
ASSIST--Direct electronic control diagnostics service
system is available to support the error diagnosis and
maintenance services of engine electrical control