Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 41
Which Hydraulic Tests Are Necessary?
Before beginning any hydraulic test, identify if the prob-
lem isrelated to thetraction circuit,cutting (mow) circuit,
lift/lower circuit,steering circuit or enginecooling fan cir-
cuit.Once the faultysystem hasbeen identified,perform
tests that relate to that circuit.
1. If a traction circuit problem exists, consider perform-
ing one or more of the following tests: Traction Circuit
Charge Pressure, Traction Circuit Relief Pressure,
Counterbalance Pressure, Reverse Traction Circuit Re-
ducing Valve (PR)Pressure, RearTraction CircuitRelief
Valve (RV) Pressure, Piston (Traction) Pump Flow and/
or Gear Pump Flow Tests.
IMPORTANT: Refer to Traction Circuit Component
Failure in the General Information section of this
chapter forinformation regarding theimportance of
removing contamination from the traction circuit.
2. If a cutting (mow) circuit problem exists, consider
performing one or more of the following tests: Cutting
Deck Circuit Pressure, PTO Relief Pressure, Cutting
Deck Motor Case Drain Leakage and/or Gear Pump
Flow Tests.
3. If alift/lower circuit problem exists,consider perform-
ing one or more of the following tests: Lift/Lower Circuit
Relief Pressure and/or Gear Pump Flow Tests.
4. If a steering circuitproblem exists, consider perform-
ing one or more of the following tests: Steering Circuit
Relief Pressure, Steering Cylinder Internal Leakage
and/or Gear Pump Flow Tests.
5. If a e ngine cooling fan circuit problem exists, consid-
er performing one or more of the following tests: Engine
Cooling Fan Circuit and/or Gear Pump Flow Tests.