Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--D Page 3 -- 21 Yanmar Diesel Engine
One person should operate lift or hoist while a
second person guides the engine out of the ma-
IMPORTANT: Make sure to not damage the engine,
radiator assembly, fuel lines, hydraulic lines, elec-
trical wire harness or other components while re-
moving the engine.
17.Slowly move the engine assembly away from thehy-
draulic pump assembly to allow the pump input shaft to
slide out of the spring coupler on the engine flywheel.
Once the enginehas clearedthe pumpinput shaft, care-
fully remove the engine f rom the machine.
18.If necessary, remove engine mount brackets from
Engine Installation (Fig. 15)
1. Make sure that all parts removed from the engine
during maintenanceor rebuilding are installedto the en-
2. If removed, install engine mount brackets to the en-
gine using Figure 15 or 20 as a guide.
3. Connect lift or hoist to the engine lift brackets.
One person should operate lift or hoist while a
second person guides the engine into the ma-
IMPORTANT: Make sure to not damage the engine,
radiator assembly, fuel lines, hydraulic lines, elec-
trical wire harness or other components while
installing the engine.
4. Carefully lower engine into the machine. Slowly
move the engine assembly toward the hydraulic pump
assembly to allow the pump input shaft to slide into the
spring coupler on the engine flywheel.
5. Align engine to the engine mounts. Secure engine to
engine mounts with cap screws, rebound washers and
flange nuts.
6. Secure hydraulic pump assembly to engine (see
Pump Assembly in the Service and Repairs section of
Chapter 4 -- Hydraulic System).
7. On machines with a Tier 4compliant engine (models
30607 and 30609):
A. Remove lift bracket from front of engine cylinder
head (item 6 in Fig. 17). The bracket must be re-
moved before fuel tank installation. Retain lift brack-
et and fasteners for future use.
B. Install and secure f uel tank to machine (see Fuel
System in this section).
8. Position coolant reservoir with mount t o the radiator.
Secure reservoir tank mount to the radiator and radiator
shrouds with removed fasteners.
9. Connect fuel supply and return hoses to the engine
fittings (Fig. 17 or 18).
10.On Groundsmaster 4010--D machines:
A. Installairconditioningcompressorto compressor
mount (seeAir Conditioning Compressor Installation
inthe Serviceand Repairs sectionof Chapter9 -- Op-
erator Cab).Make surethat drive beltis properly ten-
B. Connectcoolant hosesto fittingson enginewater
11.Connect wires and/or electrical connections to en-
gine locations.
A. The engine wire harness from the machine wire
B. The positive battery cable from the engine starter
motor (Fig. 16).
C. The f usible link harness from the main wire har-
ness (Fig. 16).
D. The negative battery cable at the engine block
(Fig. 16).
12.Carefully connect engine wire harness connector to
engine ECU.
13.Install andsecure exhaustbracket (item 13in Fig. 15
or item 6 inF ig. 20) and exhaust pipe (item 16 in Fig. 15)
from en gine.
14.Install air cleaner assembly to the engine (see Air
Cleaner System in this section).
Diesel Engine