Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--DPage 3 -- 8Yanmar Diesel Engine
Yanmar Engine: Models 30607 and 30609
The engine used on Groundsmaster models 30607 and
30609 is a Yanmar TNV Series, turbocharged, diesel
engine that complies with EPA Tier 4 emission regula-
tions. Engine features include an electronic control unit
(ECU) that controls a common rail fuel injection system
with direct injection, water--cooled exhaust gas recircu-
lation (EGR),anelectronic governor,an exhaustsystem
diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and an exhaust diesel
particulate filter (DPF) with active regeneration. Glow
plugs are used to assist starting the engine. Numerous
engine sensors are used to allow the engine ECU to
monitor and control engine operation for optimum en-
gine performance.
During machine operation, if an engine fault occurs, the
machine InfoCenter display can be used to identify the
fault.Also,the YanmarSMARTASSIST--Directelectron-
ic control diagnostics service system is availableto con-
firm the real--time engine running status and to offer
timely technical services.
The exhaust system DPF has four (4) modes for main-
tenance: passive regeneration, assist regeneration, re-
set regeneration and stationary regeneration.
Passive regeneration is the primary mode regenera-
tion that occurs during normal operation. When the en-
gine is running at normal loads, the exhaust
temperature willkeep the DPF above the minimum tem-
perature for regeneration so normal particulate matter
(PM) accumulation in the DPF is expected.
Assist regeneration occurs if the engine ECU senses
that the DPF ba ckpressure has increased to its maxim-
um threshold. During assist regeneration, the intake
throttle valve limits the air flow into the engine while the
injectors add additional fuel. This process increases the
DPF temperature which allows accumulated particulate
to burn off, without changing the load on the engine.
Burning of the accumulated PM decreases the pressure
across the DPF. The assist regeneration is completed
automatically when necessary. A small icon will be dis-
played on the InfoCenter during assist regeneration
(Fig. 5) to inform the operator. The machine can contin-
ue to be used during an assist regeneration.
Reset regeneration takes place at a time interval
(every 100 hours) to reset the baseline sensor readings
in the DPF. The reset regeneration ensures that the en-
gineis runningat peakefficiency.During thismode, post
injection is the means of increasing the DPF temperat-
ure. The reset regeneration is completed automatically
when necessary.A smallicon willbe displayedon theIn-
foCenter during reset regeneration (Fig. 5) to inform the
operator. The machine can continue to be used during
a reset regeneration.
Figure 4
Figure 5
NOTE: If the engine is turned off during an assist or re-
set regeneration process, the regeneration will resume
once the engine is restarted and required temperature
level is reached.