Groundsmaster 4100--D/4110--DPage 5 -- 12Electrical System
Diagnostics Screen
The diagnostics screen (Fig. 16) lists the various states
of machine electrical components. The diagnostics
screen should be used to check operation of machine
controls and to verify that switches and circuit wiring are
functioning correctly.
For each of the diagnostics screen items, inputs, qualifi-
ers and outputs are identified. The diagnostics screen
includes the following:
D Left Deck identifies machine requirements to allow
the left wing deck to raise and lower. Inputs indicate the
state of the left wing deck lift/lower switch and whether
the machine is in LOW range speed. Qualifiers include
the LOW range speed, seat switch and parking brake
position. Identified outputs consist of master, lower,
raise and float solenoids.
D Center Deck identifies machine requirements to al-
low the cutting deck to raise and lower. Inputs indicate
the state of the center deck lift/lower switch. Qualifiers
include the LOW range speed, seat switch and parking
brake position. Identified outputs consist of master,
raise and float solenoids.
D Right Deck identifies machine requirements to allow
the right wing deck to r aise and lower. Inputs indicate the
state of the right deck lift/lower switch. Qualifiers include
the LOW range speed, seat switch and parking brake
position. Identified outputs consist of master, lower,
raise and float solenoids.
D Traction Pedal identifies position of thetraction ped-
al. Inputs indicate the state of the traction pedal position
sensor. Outputs indicate whether the traction circuit is in
forward, neutral or reverse.
D Traction identifies machine requirements to allow
the traction system to be engaged. Inputs indicate the
state of the traction pedal. Qualifiers include the seat
switch and parking brake position. Outputs indicate
whether the piston (traction) pump is engaged in for-
ward or reverse.
D Hi/Low Range identifies machine requirements to
allow HI or LOW speed range to be engaged. Inputs indi-
cate the state of the hi/low switch. Qualifiers identify the
position of the PTO switch and the cutting deck (raised
or lowered). Outputs indicate whether HI range is en-
gaged (solenoid S12 is energized).
D PTO identifies machine requirements to allow the
PTO to be engaged. Inputs indicate the state of the PTO
switch. Qualifiers identify whether LOW speed range is
selected, if the seat is occupied and if the cutting deck
is lowered. Outputs indicate which cutting deck is en-
D Engine Run identifies whether necessary TEC out-
puts exists to allow the engine to run. Inputs indicate the
state of the ignition switch. Qualifiers identify whether
the PTO is off, if the traction pedal is in neutral, if the seat
is occupied (or p arking brake is applied) and if all deck
lift switches are not activated. Outputs indicate that re-
quirements have been met to allow engine to run or
start. NOTE: The components for engine operation (i.e.
glow plugs, starter) are controlled by the Yanmar engine
electronic control unit.
D Cruise Control identifies machine requirements to
allow the cruise control to be engaged. Inputs indicate
the state of the cruise control switch and service brakes.
Qualifiers identify whether the seat is occupied, if the
parking or service brakes are applied and if the traction
pedal is not in neutral. Outputs indicate that the cruise
function is engaged.
D Light Kit identifies machine requirements to allow
machine lights (if equipped) to be energized. Inputs indi-
cate the state of the light switches. Outputs indicate that
the lights are energized.
To return to the main menu screen from the diagnostics
screen, press the back button (left button).
1. Diagnostics menu
2. Diagnostics items
3. Move to menu items
4. Choose menu item
5. Back button
Figure 16
Left Deck
Center Deck
Right Deck