
Groundsmaster 4100--D/4110--D Cutting DeckPage 8 -- 11
Removal (Fig. 6)
1. Position machine on a clean, level surface. Lower
cutting deck and engage parking brake.
2. Fully raise wing deck, stop engine and remove key
from the ignition switch. Remove three (3) washer head
screws and shield strap that secure flex shield to wing
deck. Lower wing deck.
3. Remove hydraulic motor from wing deck (see Cut-
ting Deck Motor in the Service and Repairs Section of
Chapter 4 -- Hydraulic System).
4. Remove cap screw and lock nut that secure lift cylin-
der clevis to the wing deck (Fig. 7).
5. Remove switch shield (item 50) from center deck.
6. Support wing deck to prevent it from falling as link as-
semblies (item 21) are removed.
7. Remove cap screw (item 29) from pivot pin on upper
end of both link assemblies. Cap screw on rear link also
uses a flat washer (item 28).
NOTE: When removing pivot pins from deck, note loca-
tion of thrust washers (item 6) and hardened spacers
(item 42) for assembly purposes.
8. Remove flange nut (item 19) from carriage bolt (item
26) and pull pivot pins (item 18) from deck. Locate and
retrieve thrust washers (item 6) and hardened spacers
(item 42) from between links and deck brackets.
9. Slide the wing deck away from the center deck.
10.If required, remove link(s) from wing deck by remov-
ing lock nut and flat washer that secure tapered stud to
deck. Press tapered stud from deck to remove link as-
sembly. Remove foam washer (item 42) and link skid.
Installation (Fig. 6)
1. Park machine on a clean, level surface. Stop engine,
engage parking brake and remove key from the ignition
2. If links were removed from wing deck, thoroughly
clean tapered stud on link and mounting boss of wing
deck. Place foam washer on tapered stud and insert
stud into deck mounting boss. Make sure that plug (item
40) is orientated toward wing deck and grease fitting
(item 41) is toward center deck. Position link skid to stud
and secure with flat washer andlock nut. Torque lock nut
from 160 to 180 ft--lb (217 to 244 N--m).
NOTE: Pivot latches (item 8) may need to be manually
opened prior to wing deck installation. If necessary, use
a pry bar to carefully open latch.
3. Position the wing deck to the center deck.
Figure 7
1. Hydraulic motor
2. Flange head screw
3. Lift cylinder clevis
Figure 8
Front of center deck
Wing opens this way
0.060” to 0.090”
(1.5 to2.2 mm)
(wing lowered & latched)
1. Wing deck blade 2. Center deck blade
Figure 9
(9.7 to 15.7 mm)
0.380” to 0.620”