Groundsmaster 4100--D/4110--DCutting Deck
Page 8 -- 4
There are a number of factors that can contribute to un-
satisfactory quality of c ut, some of which may be t urf
conditions. Turf conditions such as excessive thatch,
uneven ground conditions, “sponginess” or attempting
to cut off too much grass height may not always be over-
come by adjusting the machine.
Remember that the “effective” or actual height--of--cut
depends on cutting deck weight, tire pressures, hydrau-
lic counterbalance settings and turf conditions. Effective
height--of--cut will be differentthan the bench set height--
Factors That Can Affect Quality of Cut
Factor Possible Problem/Correction
1. Maximum governed engine speed. Check maximum governed engine speed. Adjust
speed to specifications if necessary (see Chapter 3 --
Yanmar Diesel Engine).
2. Blade speed. All deck blades should rotate at the same speed.
See items in Troubleshooting Section of Chapter 4 --
Hydraulic System.
3. Tire pressure. Check air pressure of each tire including castor tires.
Adjust to pressures specified in Operator’s Manual.
4. Cutting blade condition. Sharpen cutting blades if their cutting edges are dull or
Inspect blade sail for wear o r damage. Replace blade if
5. Mower housing condition. Make sure that cutting chambers are in g ood condition.
Keep underside of deck clean. Debris buildup will
reduce cutting performance.
6. Height--of--cut. Make sure all deck height--of--cut adjustments are the
same. Adjust deck as specified in the Operator’s
7. Cutting deck alignment and ground following. Check lift arms and cutting deck pivot linkages for
wear, damage or binding. Also, inspect for bent or
damaged pivot shafts.
8. Roller and castor wheel condition. All rollers and caster wheels should rotate freely.
Replace bearings, shafts or rollers if worn or damaged.
9. Grass conditions. Mow when grass is dry for best cutting results. Also,
remove only 1” (25 mm) or 1/3 of the grass blade when