Groundsmaster 4100--D/4110--DPage 3 -- 16Yanmar Diesel Engine
Installation (Fig. 11)
1. Inspect seals (items 7, 10, 27 and 34) around radiat-
or location for wear or damage. Replace seals if neces-
2. Remove all plugs placed during the removal proce-
3. If hydraulic fittings (items 29 and 31) were removed
from oil cooler, lubricate and place new O --r ings onto fit-
tings. Install fittings into port openings and tighten fit-
tings (see Hydraulic Fitting Installation in the General
Information section of Chapter 4 -- Hydraulic System).
4. Assemble radiator/oil cooler using Figures 11 and 13
as guides.
A. If fan motor bracket was removed, position brack-
et as fa r as possible from radiator to maximize dis-
tance between radiator and fan motor location.
B. Make sure that clearance between radiator
shrouds and cooling fan is at least 0.180” (4.6 mm)
at all points.
5. Carefully lower radiator assembly with shrouds, fan
motor assembly and supports to the machine frame.
6. Secure radiator supports (items 1 and 28) to the
frame with flange head screws (item 8) and flange nuts
(item 6).
7. Connect hydraulic lines to fittings in oil cooler ports
(Fig. 14) and at lower radiator shroud (Fig. 13) (see Hy-
draulic Hose and Tube Installation in the General Infor-
mation section of Chapter 4 -- Hydraulic System).
8. Connect upper and lower radiator hoses to the radi-
ator and secure with hose clamps.
9. Install and secure air cleaner inlet hose (item 25).
10.Make sure radiator draincock is closed. Fill radiator
with coolant.
11.Connect hood rods to radiator supports and hood
(see Hood inthe Service and Repairs section of Chapter
7 -- Chassis).
12.Close and secure hood.
Figure 14
1. Radiator/oil cooler
2. Straight fitting
3. Hydraulic tube
4. 90
5. Hydraulic hose
6. Hydraulic tube