Groundsmaster 5910Operator Cab Page 9 -- 2
General Information
The information in this chapter pertains to the operator
cab on the Groundsmaster 5910.
Operator’s Manual
The Operator’s Manual provides information regarding
the operation, general maintenance and maintenance
intervals for your Groundsmaster. Refer to the Opera-
tor’s Manual for additional information when servicing
the machine.
Electrical Components and Schematic
Information regarding Groundsmaster 5910 electrical
cab components (switches and relay) is included in
Chapter 5 -- Electrical System. The electrical schematic
and harness drawings for the operator cab are included
in Chapter 10 -- Foldout Drawings.
Air Conditioning System
Theairconditioningsystem used ontheGroundsmaster
5910 consists of the following components:
1. A compressor mounted on the engine and driven by
a v--belt.
2. A condenser and condenser fan located on the top
of the cab.
3. A drier--receiver, an expansion valve and an evapo-
rator (combined with the heater core) mounted in the
headliner of the cab.
4. The necessary hoses and tubes that connect the
system components.
5. A fan motor that provides air movement through the
evaporator and into the cab. The fan motor is located in
the cab headliner and is also used for the cab heating
6. Operator controls to turn the air conditioning on, to
adjust the fan speed and to control the cab air tempera-
Cab Heater System
The c ab heater system used on the Groundsmaster
5910 consists of the following components:
1. A heater core located in the cab headliner.
Hoses to allowa circuit for enginecoolant to circulate
through the heater core. The heater core (combined
with the A/C evaporator) is located in the headliner of the
3. A fan motor that provides air movement through the
heater core and into the cab. The fan motor is located in
the cab headliner and is also used for the air condition-
ing system.
4. Operator controls to adjust the fan speed and tocon-
trol the cab air temperature.