Groundsmaster 5900/5910 Page 3 -- 17 Diesel Engine
Do not open radiator cap or drain coolant if the
radiator or engine is hot. Pressurized, hot cool-
ant can escape and cause burns.
Ethylene--glycol antifreeze is poisonous. Dis-
pose of coolant properly, or store it in a properly
labeled container away from children and pets.
6. Drain radiator into a suitable container using the ra-
diator drain. The radiator drain is located near the hy-
draulic 4WD manifold (Fig. 15).
7. Loosen hose clamps and disconnect upper and low-
er coolant hoses (item 6) from the radiator.
8. Loosen hose clamp that secures coolant drain hose
to fitting (item36) on bottom ofradiator.Remove coolant
drain hose assembly from radiator.
9. Disconnectreservoir hose (item 22)fromther adiator
vent tube.
10.Detach radiator from the fan shroud and support by
removing two (2) carriage screws(item33), flat washers
and flange nuts.
11.Tilt radiator and charge air cooler assembly toward
rear of machine and carefully lift assembly from the ma-
12.Plug all radiator and hose openings to prevent con-
13.Inspect rubber pads (item 5) at bottom of radiator.
Replace pads if worn or damaged.
14.Disassemble radiator and charge air cooler assem-
bly as needed using Figure 16 as a guide.
Installation (Fig. 14)
1. Assemble radiator and charge air cooler assembly
as needed using Figure 14 as a guide. Apply thread
sealant to coolant level sensor if it was removed.
2. Remove plugs from radiator and hoses placed dur-
ing the removal procedure.
3. Carefully lower radiator and charge air cooler as-
sembly into the machine.
4. Attach radiator to the fan shroud and support with
two (2) carriage screws, flat washers and flange nuts.
5. Connect upper and lower coolant hoses (item 6) to
the radiator. Secure hoses with hose clamps.
6. Connect air intake tubes (item14) to the charge air
cooler and secure with hose clamps. Torque clamps
from 50 to 70 in--lb (5.7 to 7.9 N--m).
7. Connect wire harness connector to coolant level
sensor on right side of radiator.
8. Install coolant drain hose assembly to radiator fitting
and secure with hose clamp.
9. Connect reservoir hose (item 22) to the radiator vent
tube and secure with hose clamp.
10.Make sure radiator drain is closed. Fill radiator with
11.Secure oil cooler to radiator frame.
12.Run engine and check for any coolant leaks.
13.Lower and secure hood.
Figure 15
1. Radiator hose
2. Radiator drain
3. Air intake tube
Figure 16
1. Radiator
2. LH cooler bracket
3. Charge air cooler
4. Pin clip (8 used)
5. Pin (8 used)
6. RH cooler bracket