Groundsmaster 5900/5910 Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 19
Raise Cutting Deck
A three section gear pump is coupled to the piston (trac-
tion) pump. The gear pump section (P3) farthest from
the piston pump supplies hydraulic flow to the lift control
manifold, the steering/cooling fan control manifold and
the traction charge circuit. Hydraulic flow from pump
section (P3) is split between the lift/lower circuit and the
steering/cooling fan/chargecircuitbyaproportionalflow
divider located inthe lift control manifold. This flowdivid-
er splits pump flow approximately 25% for the lift/lower
circuit (4 GPM/15.1LPM) and 75% for thesteering/cool-
ing fan/charge circuit (10 GPM/37.9 LPM).
An adjustable counterbalance valve (LC) in the lift con-
trolmanifoldmaintains back pressureonthedeck lift cyl-
inders to allow some of the cutting deck weight to be
transferred to the traction unit to improve traction. A re-
liefvalve (RV)located in the lift control manifold limitslift/
lower circuit pressure to 1350 PSI (93 bar).
Each of the cutting decks (center, right and left) can be
raised independently with the use of three switches on
the armrest console (Fig. 11). Pressing the rear of a
switch provides an input for the TEC--5001 controller to
raise a cutting deck. The controller provides electrical
outputs to solenoids in the lift control manifold to allow
appropriate valve shift to cause a deck to raise.
When the cutting decks are in a stationary position, all
solenoids in the lift control manifold are de--energized.
In this position, the flow from the gear pump that is pro-
portioned for the lift/lower circuit is by--passed through
the solenoid valve S1, the counterbalance logic c ar-
tridge LC and returns to the hydraulic reservoir.
NOTE: The operator must be in the operator seat to
raise a cutting deck.
Center Cutting Deck Raise
To raise the center cutting deck, the r ear of the center
console switch is depressed. The switch signal is an in-
put to the TEC--5001 controller which provides an elec-
trical output to solenoid valves S1 and S5 in the lift
control manifold. The energized solenoid v alves shift to
allow a passage for circuit oil flow to the barrel end of the
center deck lift cylinder. Shifted S1 prevents oil flowfrom
returning directly to the reservoir. Shifted S5 allows an
oil path to the barrel end of the lift cylinder to extend the
liftcylinder and raise the center cutting deck.Oilfromthe
extending cylinder returns to the hydraulic reservoir.
When the deck switch is released, the lift/lower control
solenoids are de--energized and the center deck lift cyl-
inders and center cutting deck are held in position.
Right Cutting Deck Raise
To raise the right wing deck, the rear of the right console
switch is pushed asaninput to the TEC--5001 controller.
The controller provides an electrical output to solenoid
valves S1 and S7 in the lift control manifold. The ener-
gized solenoid valves shift to allow a passage for circuit
oil flow to the rod end of the right deck lift cylinder.
Shifted S1 prevents oil flow from returning directly to the
reservoir. Shifted S7 allows an oil path through the
check valve at S9 (de--energized), the check valve at
OR2 and to the barrel end of the lift cylinder to extendthe
lift cylinder and raise the right cutting deck. Oil from the
extending cylinder is directed through S9 (de--ener-
gized) and returns to the hydraulic reservoir.
When the deck switch is released, the lift/lower control
solenoids are de--energized and the lift cylinder and
right cutting deck are held in position.
Left Cutting Deck Raise
To raise the left wing deck, the rear of the left console
switch is pushed asaninput to the TEC--5001 controller.
The controller provides an electrical output to solenoid
valves S1 and S2 in the lift control manifold. The ener-
gized solenoid valves shift to allow a passage for circuit
oil flow to the barrel end of the left deck lift cylinder.
Shifted S1 prevents oil flow from returning directly to the
reservoir. Shifted S2 allows an oil path through the
check valve at S4 (de--energized), the check valve at
OR1 and to the barrel end of the lift cylinder to extendthe
lift cylinder and raise the left cutting deck. Oil from the
extending cylinder is directed through S3 (de--ener-
gized) and returns to the hydraulic reservoir.
When the deck switch is released, the lift/lower control
solenoids are de--energized and the lift cylinder and left
cutting deck are held in position.
1. Right deck switch
2. Center deck switch
3. Left deck switch
Figure 11