Groundsmaster 5900/5910 Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 17
Traction Circuit: Traction Control
A flow divider is incorporated into the traction circuit to
provide a proportioned flow to the front and rear wheel
motors for a true four--wheel drive system. When theHi--
Lo speed switch is in the Low position and the traction
pedal is pressed for the forward direction, the operator
canengagethetractionflow divider when low traction si-
tuations could lead to wheel spin. The engaged flow di-
vider splits traction pump flow equally between the front
and rear wheel motors to reduce the chance that exces-
sive flow goes to a spinning wheel.
The TEC--5001 controller does not allow Traction Assist
to be activated while the tractor is in the high speed
range in either forward or reverse. The controller also
prevents Traction Assist in the reverse directionwhen in
low speed range.
To further enhance traction control, the lift/lower circuit
is equipped with a counterbalance system. Counterbal-
ance is achieved by applying a constant pressure to the
base end of the lift cylinders to lift the cutting decks
slightly. This action causes some of the cutting deck
weight to be transferred to the traction unit to improve
traction. An adjustable counterbalance valve (LC) lo-
cated in the deck lift control manifold controls the
amount of counterbalance pressure in the lift circuit.
Traction Assist Switch in OFF Position
In low speed range with the Traction Assist switch in the
OFF position, solenoid valve (S) in the traction control
manifold is de--energized allowing the PD cartridge
spool to be in the neutral position. With the traction pedal
in the forward direction, hydraulic oil from the hydrostat
port MB enters the traction control manifold at port P,
flows through the FD cartridge and enters the PD car-
tridge.Flow at the PD cartridge splits into two circuits de-
pending on downstream pressure. The flow leaving the
PD cartridge splits between the M1 manifold port for the
front wheel motors and the M2 manifold port for the rear
wheel motors.
Traction Assist Switch in ON Position
In low speed range with the traction pedal in the forward
direction and the momentary Traction Assist switch de-
pressed and held in the ON position, solenoid valve (S)
in the traction control manifold is energized allowing
charge pressure to shift the PD cartridge spool. The
shifted PD cartridge blocks oil flow from the hydrostat,
thereby forcing hydrostatoil flow through theFD propor-
tional flow control valve. The flow from the hydrostat is
split approximately equally between the front and rear
wheel motors aslong as the Traction Assist switch isde-