Greensmaster 1000 Grooming Reel KitPage 8 – 21
3. Reassemble bearing housing (LH) components
(Fig. 33).
A. Place small seal into the bearing housing with
the flat side out.
B. Press new bearing into the bearing housing with
a bearing driver.
C. Place large seal on the bearing housing with the
flat side out. Press seal in with a seal driver.
4. Position reel in frame to accept bearing housings.
The reel shaft end with internal threads should be on the
right side of the frame.
Note: The two bearing housings are similar in appear-
ance but can not be interchanged. The bearing housing
(RH) was marked prior to removal.
5. Attach bearing housing (RH) through the frame onto
the reel shaft (Fig. 32).
A. Push housing onto reel shaft. If necessary, tap
into position with a soft hammer.
B. Make sure grease fitting hole is positioned to the
front of the mower.
6. Attach bearing housing (LH) through the frame onto
the reel shaft (Fig. 33).
A. Push housing onto reel shaft. If necessary, tap
into position with a soft hammer.
B. Make sure grease fitting hole is positioned to the
front of the mower.
7. Secure cutting reel from turning with a block of hard
wood. Tighten lock nut to the cutting reel shaft (Fig. 33).
Torque lock nut to 50 ft–lb (6.9 kg–m).
8. Reinstall grease fittings to both bearing housings.
Lubricate both housings with No. 2 multipurpose lithium
base grease (Fig. 32 and 33).
9. Reinstall bedbar to the mower (see Bedbar Installa-
tion in the Service and Repairs section of Chapter 7 –
Cutting Unit).
10. Reinstall grooming reel kit following the Installation
instructions in Frame Assemblies (RH and LH).
There are two grooming reel shaft bearings on each end
of the mower.
1. Park mower on a level surface. Make sure engine
is OFF. Remove high tension lead from the spark plug.
2. Use a hand pump grease gun and No. 2 multipur-
pose lithium base grease for lubrication.
3. Pump only a maximum of 2 to 3 pumps of grease to
avoid permanently damaging the grease seals.
Figure 34
Grooming Reel