
Greensmaster 1000/1600
Page 3 – 4
General Information
Filling the Fuel Tank
Because gasoline is flammable, caution
must be used when storing or handling it.
Do not fill the fuel tank while engine is runĆ
ning, hot, or in an enclosed area. Vapors
may build up and be ignited by a spark or
flame source many feet away. DO NOT
SMOKE while filling the fuel tank to preĆ
vent the possibility of an explosion. AlĆ
ways fill fuel tank outside. Wipe up any
spilled gasoline before starting the enĆ
gine. Use a funnel or spout to prevent spilĆ
ling gasoline. Fill tank no higher than to
the bottom of filter screen. DO NOT OVER
FILL. Store gasoline in a clean safety apĆ
proved container and keep the cap on the
container. Keep gasoline in a cool, well
ventilated place; never in an enclosed
area such as a hot storage shed. To asĆ
sure volatility, do not buy more than a 30
day supply of gasoline. Gasoline is a fuel
for internal combustion engines; thereĆ
fore do not use it for any other purpose.
Since many children like the smell of gas,
keep it out of their reach because the
fumes are explosive and dangerous to inĆ
Figure 1
1. Fuel tank cap
IMPORTANT: Never use methanol, gasoline con-
taining methanol, gasoline containing more than
10% ethanol, gasoline additives, premium gasoline,
or white gas. Engine fuel system damage could re-
1. Park mower on a level surface. Make sure engine
is OFF.
2. Clean around fuel tank cap and remove cap from
tank (Fig. 1). Using unleaded gasoline, fill fuel tank to
bottom of filter screen. DO NOT OVER FILL.
3. Install fuel tank cap. Wipe up any spilled gasoline.