Greensmaster 1000/1600
Page 5 – 12
Electrical System
Ignition Coil
A commercial coil tester can be used to test the ignition
coil. If a tester is available, test the ignition coil as sug-
gested in the Kawasaki FE161 & FE170 Service
Manual and Kawasaki FE120 Service Manual Sup-
The coil can be tested for a badly shorted or broken
winding with a digital ohmmeter. However, a ohmmeter
can not detect layer shorts and shorts resulting from in-
sulation breakdown under high running voltages.
Note: Prior to taking small resistance readings with a
digital multimeter, short the test leads together. The me-
ter will display a small resistance value (usually 0.5
ohms or less). This resistance is due to the internal re-
sistance of the meter and test leads. Subtract this value
from from the measured value of the component you are
Note: There are two types of ignition coils used on the
Kawasaki FE120 engine. On older models, a coil is used
in conjunction with an igniter. On newer models, a com-
bination igniter/ignition coil is used which has the igniter
built into the ignition coil.
1. Park mower on a level surface. Make sure engine
is OFF
2. Isolate ignition coil. Disconnect high tension lead
from spark plug and black wire on the coil.
3. Measure primary winding resistance between the
primary lead and ground. Winding resistance should be
from 0.8 to 1.0 ohms. Winding and circuit resistance
should be from 0.6 to 1.1 ohms for new combination ig-
niter/ignition coils.
A. If resistance is 0 ohms, the primary winding is
shorted. Replace ignition coil.
B. If resistance is high or infinity (1) ohms, the pri-
mary winding is open. Replace ignition coil.
4. Measure secondary winding resistance between
the secondary lead and ground. Winding resistance
should be from 7.0 to 9.0 KΩ. Winding resistance should
be from 5.8 to 9.6 KΩ for new combination igniter/igni-
tion coils.
A. If resistance is low or 0 ohms, the primary wind-
ing is shorted. Replace ignition coil.
B. If resistance is high or infinity (1) ohms, the pri-
mary winding is open. Replace ignition coil.
C. Check the high tension lead for damage. Re-
place ignition coil if lead is damaged.
Figure 6
1. Primary lead
2. Ground
3. Secondary lead
Figure 7
1. Primary lead
2. Ground
3. Secondary lead
5. If resistances are good, the ignition coil windings are
probably good. However, if the ignition still does not per-
form after all other components have been checked, re-
place coil with a new one.