
not clear, please consult your ISP.
Enter the Password provided by your ISP.
Server IP:
Enter the Server IP provided by your ISP.
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) is the maximum data
unit transmitted by the physical network. It can be set in
the range of 576-1460. The default MTU is 1460. It is
recommended to keep the default value if no other MTU
value is provided by your ISP.
Active Mode:
You can select the proper Active Mode according to your
z Manual: Select this option to manually activate or
terminate the Internet connection by the <Connect>
or <Disconnect> button. It’s optimum for the dial-up
connection charged on time.
z Always-on: Select this option to keep the connection
always on. The connection can be re-established
automatically when it is down.
Here allows you to configure the secondary connection.
Dynamic IP and Static IP connection types are provided.
Connection Type:
Select the secondary connection type. Options include
Disable, Dynamic IP and Static IP.
IP Address:
If Static IP is selected, configure the IP address of WAN
port. If Dynamic IP is selected, the IP address of WAN
port obtained is displayed.
Subnet Mask:
If Static IP is selected, configure the subnet mask of WAN
port. If Dynamic IP is select, the subnet mask of WAN
port obtained is displayed.
Default Gateway:
If Static IP is selected, configure the default gateway. If
Dynamic IP is selected, the obtained default gateway is