Activate or inactivate the entry.
MAC Binding:
Select a MAC Binding type from the pull-down list. Options include:
z Disable: Select this option to disable the MAC Binding function.
z Manual: Select this option to bind the account to a MAC address
manually. Only from the Host with this MAC address can the
account log on to the server.
z Automatical: Select this option to bind the account to the MAC
address of its first login automatically. Only from the Host with this
MAC address can the account log on to the server.
MAC Address:
It is available when Manually is selected. Enter the MAC address of the
Host to bind with the account.
Session Timeout:
Enter a time after which the connection will be dropped. To keep the
connection always on, enter 0 in the Session Timeout field. The default
is 48. If Enable Advanced Account Features is not selected, the
Session Timeout value is 0 by default.
¾ List of Account
In this table, you can view the information of accounts and edit them by the Action buttons. Exceptional IP
When the Dial-up Access Only function is enabled, only the Dial-in Users and the user with
Exceptional IP can access the Internet. On this page, you can specify the Exceptional IP.
Choose the menu Services→PPPoE Server→Exceptional IP to load the following page.
Figure 3-59 Exceptional IP
The following items are displayed on this screen:
¾ Exceptional IP