
¾ Bandwidth Control Rule
Select the data stream direction for the entry. The direction of arrowhead
indicates the data stream direction The DMZ port displays in the
drop-down list only when the DMZ port is enabled. WAN-ALL means all
WAN ports through which the data flow might pass. Individual WAN port
cannot be selected after WAN-ALL rules are added.
Select the group to define the controlled users.
Individual: The bandwidth of each user equals to the current bandwidth
of this entry.
Shared: The total bandwidth of all controlled IP addresses equals to the
current bandwidth of this entry.
Bandwidth (Up):
Specify the Guaranteed Upstream Bandwidth for this entry.
Limited Bandwidth
Specify the Limited Upstream Bandwidth for this entry.
Bandwidth (Down):
Specify the Guaranteed Downstream Bandwidth for this entry.
Limited Bandwidth
Specify the Limited Downstream Bandwidth for this entry.
Effective Time:
Specify the time for the entry to take effect.
Give a description for the entry.
Activate or inactivate the entry.
¾ List of Rules
You can view the information of the entries and edit them by the Action buttons.
The first entry in Figure 3-35 indicates: The users within group “sales” share the bandwidth and the
Downstream/Upstream Guaranteed Bandwidth is 5000kbps, while the Downstream/Upstream Limited
bandwidth is 10000kbps. This entry takes effect at 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. from Monday to Friday.