Controls Interface
Setpoint Screen
The setpoint screen is a two-part screen. Screen 1 lists all setpoints available to
change along with their current value. The operator selects a setpoint to change by
touching either the verbal description or setpoint value. Doing this causes the screen
to switch to Screen 2.
In Screen 1 the language setpoint will always be the last setpoint in the list. This will
facilitate language changes by placing that control in a standard position across all
CH.530 product lines.
Screen 2 displays the current value of the chosen setpoint in the upper ½ of the dis-
play. It is displayed in a changeable format consistent with its type. Binary setpoints
are considered to be simple two state enumeration and will use radio buttons. Ana
log setpoints are displayed as spin buttons. The lower half of the screen is reserved
for help screens.
Auto Stop
Setpoint Diagnostic
Auto Local or Remote:
Front Panel Chilled Water Setpoint:
Condenser Limit Setpt: XXX % HPC
Front Panel Current Limit Setpoint:
Low Ambient Lockout Setpt: 35.0 F
Low Ambient Lockout: Enable
44.0 F
100 %
Table 30 Refrigerant Screen
Description Resolution Units
Cond Rfgt Pressure Ckt1/Ckt2 X.X Pressure
Sat Cond Rfgt Temp Ckt1/Ckt2 X.X F / C
Evap Rfgt Pressure Ckt1/Ckt2 X.X Pressure
Sat Evap Rfgt Temp Ckt1/Ckt2 X.X F / C
Evap Approach Temp Ckt1/Ckt2 X.X F / C
Rfgt Liquid Level Ckt1/Ckt2 X.X Height
Table 31 Setpoint Screen
Description Resolution or Text Units
Auto Local or Remote Remote/Local Text
Front Panel Chilled Water Setpoint X.X F / C
Front Panel Current Limit Setpoint XXX % RLA
Differential to Start X.X Temperature
Differential to Stop X.X Temperature
Condenser Limit Setpoint Enable/Disable Text
Low Ambient Lockout Setpoint X.X Temperature
Low Ambient Lockout Enable/Disable Text
Ice Build Enable/Disable Text
Front Panel Ice Termination Setpoint X.X Temperature