Controls Interface
Unit is Building Ice The chiller is running in the Ice Building Mode, and either
at or moving towards full capacity available. Ice mode is
terminated either with the removal of the ice mode
command or with the return brine temperature falling
below the Ice Termination Setpoint.
Running - Limited At least one circuit and one compressor on the chiller are
currently running, but the operation of the chiller as a
whole is being actively limited by the controls.
Capacity Limited by
High Evap Water Temp
This mode will occur if both the OA temperature is above
40°F and the Evap Leaving Water Temperature is above
75°F as is often the case in a high temperature pull-down.
While in this mode, no compressors will be allowed to
load past their minimum load capacity step, but it will not
inhibit compressor staging. This mode is necessary to
prevent nuisance trips due to Compressor Overcurrent or
High Pressure Cutout. Reasonable pull-down rates can
still be expected despite this limit.
Table 25 Chiller Modes
Chiller Modes Description
Top Level Mode
Table 26 Circuit Modes
Circuit Modes Description
Top Level Mode
Stopped The given circuit is not running and cannot run without intervention.
Further information is provided by the sub-mode:
Front Panel Lockout The circuit is manually locked out by the circuit lockout setting - the
nonvolatile lockout setting is accessible through either the Dyna-
View or TechView.
Diagnostic Shutdown - Manual Reset The circuit has been shutdown on a latching diagnostic.
Other sub-modes are possible in conjunction with at least one of
the above modes - See items below for their descriptions:
Diagnostic Shutdown - Auto Reset
Start Inhibited by External Source
Start Inhibited by BAS
Run Inhibit The given circuit is currently being inhibited from starting (and run-
ning), but may be allowed to start if the inhibiting or diagnostic con-
dition is cleared. Further information is provided by the sub-mode:
Diagnostic Shutdown - Auto Reset The circuit has been shutdown on a diagnostic that may clear auto-
Start Inhibited by External Source The circuit is inhibited from starting (and running) by its "external cir-
cuit lockout" hardwired input.
Start Inhibited by BAS The circuit is inhibited from starting (and running) by command
from a Building Automation System via the digital communication
link (com 3 or com 5).