B5 Low Suction Refrigerant
Pressure - Circuit 1
Immediate Latch a. The Suction Refrigerant Pressure (or either of the compressor
suction pressures) dropped below 10 Psia just prior to compressor start
(after EXV preposition). b. The pressure fell below 16 Psia while
running after the ignore time had expired, or fell below 10 Psia (or 5 Psia
in software prior to Oct'02) before the ignore time had expired. The
ignore time is function of outdoor air temperature. Note: Part b. is
identical to Low Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature diagnostic except
for the trip integral and trip point settings.
B6 Low Suction Refrigerant
Pressure - Circuit 2
Immediate Latch Same as Low Suction Refrigerant Pressure - Circuit 1 Local
B7 Low Suction Refrigerant
Pressure - Cprsr 1B
Immediate Latch Same as Low Suction Refrigerant Pressure - Circuit 1 Local
B8 Low Suction Refrigerant
Pressure - Cprsr 2B
Immediate Latch Same as Low Suction Refrigerant Pressure - Circuit 1 Local
BA Motor Current Overload -
Compressor 1A
Immediate Latch Compressor current exceeded overload time vs. trip characteristic. For
A/C products Must trip = 140% RLA, Must hold=125%, nominal trip
132.5% in 30 seconds
BB Motor Current Overload -
Compressor 1B
Immediate Latch Same as Motor Current Overload - Compressor 1A Local
BC Motor Current Overload -
Compressor 2A
Immediate Latch Same as Motor Current Overload - Compressor 1A Local
BD Motor Current Overload -
Compressor 2B
Immediate Latch Same as Motor Current Overload - Compressor 1A Local
1AD MP Application Memory CRC
Immediate Latch Memory error criteria TBD Remote
6A1 MP: Could not Store Starts
and Hours
Info Latch MP has determined there was an error with the previous power down
store. Starts and Hours may have been lost for the last 24 hours.
5FF MP: Invalid Configuration Immediate Latch MP has an invalid configuration based on the current software installed Remote
6A2 MP: Non-Volatile Block Test
Info Latch MP has determined there was an error with a block in the Non-Volatile
memory. Check settings.
69C MP: Non-Volatile Memory
Info Latch MP has determined there was an error in a sector of the Non-Volatile
memory and it was reformatted. Check settings.
D9 MP: Reset Has Occurred Info NonLatch The main processor has successfully come out of a reset and built its
application. A reset may have been due to a power up, installing new
software or configuration. This diagnostic is immediately and
automatically cleared and thus can only be seen in the Historic
Diagnostic List in TechView
1E1 Oil Flow Fault -
Compressor 1A
Immediate Latch The Intermediate Oil Pressure Transducer for this cprsr is reading a
pressure either above its respective circuit's Condenser Pressure by 15
Psia or more, , or below its respective Suction Pressure 10 Psia or more
for 30 seconds continuously.
1E2 Oil Flow Fault -
Compressor 1B
Immediate Latch Same as Oil Flow Fault - Compressor 1A Local
5A0 Oil Flow Fault -
Compressor 2A
Immediate Latch Same as Oil Flow Fault - Compressor 1A Local
5A1 Oil Flow Fault -
Compressor 2B
Immediate Latch Same as Oil Flow Fault - Compressor 1A Local
1E6 Oil Temperature
Sensor - Cprsr 1B
Normal Latch Bad Sensor or LLID Remote
1E8 Oil Temperature
Sensor - Cprsr 2B
Normal Latch Bad Sensor or LLID Remote
1E5 Oil Temperature
Sensor -Cprsr 1A
Normal Latch Bad Sensor or LLID Remote
1E7 Oil Temperature
Sensor -Cprsr 2A
Normal Latch Bad Sensor or LLID Remote
A1 Outdoor Air Temperature
Normal Latch Bad Sensor or LLID. Note that if this diagnostic occurs, operational
pumpdown will be performed regardless of the last valid temperature
D7 Over Voltage Normal NonLatch a. Line voltage above + 10% of nominal. [Must hold = + 10 % of
nominal. Must trip = + 15 % of nominal. Reset differential = min. of
2% and max. of 4%. Time to trip = minimum of 1 min. and maximum
of 5 min.) Design: Nom. trip: 60 seconds at greater than 112.5%, + or
- 2.5%, Auto Reset at 109% or less.
19C Phase Loss - Compressor 1A Immediate Latch a) No current was sensed on one or two of the current transformer
inputs while running or starting (See Nonlatching Power Loss
Diagnostic for all three phases lost while running). Must hold = 20%
RLA. Must trip = 5% RLA. Time to trip shall be longer than guaranteed
reset on Starter Module at a minimum, 3 seconds maximum. Actual
design trippoint is 10%. The actual design trip time is 2.64 seconds. b)
If Phase reversal protection is enabled and current is not sensed on one
or more current xformer inputs. Logic will detect and trip in a maximum
of 0.3 second from compressor start.
Diagnostic Name
and Source
Severity Persis-
Criteria Reset