Controls Interface
Auto The given circuit is not currently running but can be expected to
start at any moment given that the proper conditions and interlocks
are satisfied.
No Sub Modes
Starting The given circuit is going through the necessary steps to allow the
lead compressor on that circuit to start.
No Sub Modes
Running At least one compressor on the given circuit is currently running.
Further information is provided by the sub-mode:
Establishing Min. Cap - Low Diff pressure The circuit is experiencing low system differential pressure and is
being force loaded, irregardless Chilled Water Temperature Control,
to develop pressure sooner.
Running - Limited At least one compressor on the given circuit is currently running,
but the capacity of the circuit is being actively limited by the con-
trols. Further information is provided by the sub-mode:
Capacity Limited by High Cond Press The circuit is experiencing condenser pressures at or near the con-
denser limit setting. Compressors on the circuit will be unloaded to
prevent exceeding the limits.
Capacity Limited by Low Evap Rfgt Temp The circuit is experiencing saturated evaporator temperatures at or
near the Low Refrigerant Temperature Cutout setting. Compres-
sors on the circuit will be unloaded to prevent tripping.
Capacity Limited by Low Liquid Level The circuit is experiencing low refrigerant liquid levels and the EXV
is at or near full open. The compressors on the circuit will be
unloaded to prevent tripping.
Shutting Down The given circuit is still running but shutdown is imminent. The cir-
cuit is going through either a compressor run-unload mode or a cir-
cuit operational pumpdown to dry out the evaporator (cold OA
ambient only). Shutdown is necessary due to one (or more) of the
following sub-modes:
Operational Pumpdown The circuit is in the process shutting down by performing an opera-
tional pumpdown just prior to stopping the last running compres-
sor. The EXV is commanded closed. Pumpdown will terminate
when both the liquid level and the evap pressure
Front Panel Lockout The circuit has been manually locked out by the circuit lockout set-
ting and is in the process of shutting down - the nonvolatile lockout
setting is accessible through either the DynaView or TechView.
Diagnostic Shutdown - Manual Reset The circuit is in the process of shutdown due to a latching diagnos-
Diagnostic Shutdown - Auto Reset The circuit is in the process of shutdown due to a diagnostic that
may automatically clear.
Start Inhibited by External Source The circuit is in the process of shutdown due to a command from
the external circuit lockout hardwired input.
Start Inhibited by BAS The circuit is in the process of shutdown due to a command from
the Building Automation System (e.g. Tracer)
Service Override The given circuit is in a Service Override mode
Service Pumpdown The circuit is running with fan control, via a manual command to
perform a Service Pumpdown. Its respective EXV is being held
wide open, but the manual liquid line service valve should be
Table 26 Circuit Modes
Circuit Modes Description
Top Level Mode