Installation (Continued)
General Unit Requirements
The checklist listed below is a summary of the steps re-
quired to successfully install a Commercial rooftop unit.
This checklist is intended to acquaint the installing person-
nel with what is required in the installation process. It does
not replace the detailed instructions called out in the appli-
cable sections of this manual.
[ ] Check the unit for shipping damage and material short-
age; file a freight claim and notify Trane office.
[ ] Verify that the installation location of the unit will provide
the required clearance for proper operation.
[ ] Assemble and install the roof curb. Refer to the current
edition of SAHF-IN-5 for 20 through 75 Ton units or
SXHG-IN-2 for 90 through 130 Ton units.
[ ] Fabricate and install ductwork; secure ductwork to curb.
[ ] Install pitch pocket for power supply through building
roof. (If applicable)
[ ] Rigging the unit.
[ ] Set the unit onto the curb; check for levelness.
[ ] Ensure unit-to-curb seal is tight and without buckles or
[ ] Install and connect condensate drain lines to each
evaporator drain connection.
[ ] Remove the shipping hardware from each compressor
[ ] Remove the shipping hold-down bolts and shipping chan-
nels from the supply and exhaust fans ordered with rub-
ber or spring isolators.
[ ] Check all optional supply and exhaust fan spring isola-
tors for proper adjustment.
[ ] Verify that all plastic coverings are removed from the
[ ] Verify all discharge and liquid line service valves (one per
circuit) are back seated.
Main Electrical Power Requirements
[ ] Verify that the power supply complies with the unit name-
plate specifications.
[ ] Inspect all control panel components; tighten any loose
[ ] Connect properly sized and protected power supply wir-
ing to a field-supplied/installed disconnect and unit
[ ] Properly ground the unit.
Note: All field-installed wiring must comply with
NEC and applicable local codes.
Field Installed Control Wiring
[ ] Complete the field wiring connections for the constant
volume controls as applicable. Refer to "Field Installed
Control Wiring" for guidelines.
[ ] Complete the field wiring connections for the variable air
volume controls as applicable. Refer to "Field Installed
Control Wiring" for guidelines.
Note: All field-installed wiring must comply with
NEC and applicable local codes.
Requirements for Electric Heat Units
All SEHF Units (380 minimum voltage) & SEHG units.
[ ] Verify that the power supply complies with the electric
heater specifications on the unit and heater nameplate.
[ ] Inspect the heater junction box and control panel; tighten
any loose connections.
[ ] Check electric heat circuits for continuity.
SEHF Units w/200V or 230V Electric Heat:
(Requires Separate Power Supply to Heater)
[ ] Connect properly sized and protected power supply wir-
ing for the electric heat from a dedicated, field- supplied/
installed disconnect to terminal block 4TB2, or to an op-
tional unit mounted disconnect switch 4S15.
Requirements for Gas Heat
[ ] Gas supply line properly sized and connected to the unit
gas train.
[ ] All gas piping joints properly sealed.
[ ] Drip leg Installed in the gas piping near the unit.
[ ] Gas piping leak checked with a soap solution. If piping
connections to the unit are complete, do not pressurize
piping in excess of 0.50 psig or 14 inches w.c. to prevent
component failure.
[ ] Main supply gas pressure adequate.
[ ] Flue Tubes clear of any obstructions.
[ ] Factory-supplied flue assembly installed on the unit.
[ ] Connect the 3/4" CPVC furnace drain stubout to a proper
condensate drain.
Requirements for Hot Water Heat (SLH_)
[ ] Route properly sized water piping through the base of the
unit into the heating section.
[ ] Install the factory-supplied, 3-way modulating valve.
[ ] Complete the valve actuator wiring.