Sample Model No.: S X H G - D 1 1 4 0 A H 7 C G 8 D 1 0 0 1 AT,etc
Digit No.: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21+
Digit 1 - Unit Type Digit 12 - Exhaust Air Fan Drive Digit 18 - Accessory Panel
S = Self-Contained 0 = None 0 = None
5 = 500 RPM A = BAYSENS008*
Digit 2 - Unit Function(s)
6 = 600 RPM B = BAYSENS010*
E = DX Cooling, Electric Heat 7 = 700 RPM C = BAYSENS013*
F = DX Cooling, Natural Gas Heat 8 = 800 RPM D = BAYSENS014*
L = DX Cooling, Hot Water Heat E = BAYSENS019*
S = DX Cooling, Steam Heat
Digit 13 - Filter
X = DX Cooling, Extended Casings A = Throwaway G = BAYSENS021*
C = High-Efficiency Throwaway
Digit 3 - Unit Airflow
D = Bag with Prefilter
Digit 19 - Ambient Control
H = Single-Zone E = Cartridge with Prefilter 0 = Standard
F = Throwaway Filter Rack Less Filter
Digit 4 - Development Sequence
Digit 20 - Agency Approval
G = Seventh G = Bag Filter Rack Less Filter Media 0 = None (UL Gas Heater See Note 1)
1 = UL
Digits 5, 6, 7 - Nominal Capacity Digit 14 - Supply Air Fan HP
2 = CSA
C90 = 90 Tons C = 30 HP (2-15 HP)
Note: Includes UL classified gas
D11 = 105 Tons D = 40 HP (2-20 HP)
heating section only when second
D12 = 115 Tons E = 50 HP (2-25 HP)
digit of Model No. is a "F".
D13 = 130 Tons F = 60 HP (2-30 HP)
G = 80 HP (2-40 HP)
Digits 21 - 36 - Miscellaneous
Digit 8 Power Supply
21 A = Unit Disconnect Switch
4 = 460/60/3 XL
Digit 15 - Supply Air Fan Drive
22 B = Hot Gas Bypass
5 = 575/60/3 XL A = 1000 RPM 23 C = Economizer Control
E = 200/60/3 XL B = 1100 RPM with Comparative Enthalpy
F = 230/60/3 XL C = 1200 RPM 23 Z = Economizer Control
D = 1300 RPM with Reference Enthalpy
Digit 9 - Heating Capacity
E = 1400 RPM 23 W = Economizer Control w/Dry Bulb
0 = No Heat F = 1500 RPM 23 0 = None W/O Economizer
H = High Heat - 2 Stage G = 1600 RPM 24 E = Low-Leak Fresh Air Dampers
J = Limited Modulating High Heat 25 F = High Duct Temperature Thermostat
P = Full Modulating High Heat 26 G = High Capacity Evaporator
Note: When the second digit calls Digit 16 - Fresh Air
Coil (90 - 105 Only)
for "E" (electric heat), the following
D = 0-100% Economizer (Std.) 27 K = Generic BAS Module
values apply in the ninth digit:
28 L = High Efficiency Motors
W=190 kw
Digit 17 - System Control
(Supply and Exhaust)
Note: When the second digit calls for
1 = Constand Volume Control 29 M = Remote Human Interface
"L" or "S", one of the following valve
2 = VAV Supply Air Temperature 30 N = Ventilation Override Module
size values must be in Digit 9:
Control without Inlet Guide Vanes 31 R = Extended Grease Lines
High Heat Coil: 3 = 1.0", 4 = 1.25", 3 = VAV - Supply Air Temperature 32 T = Access Doors
5 = 1.50", 6 = 2.0", 7 = 2.5" Control with Inlet Guide Vanes 33 V = Inter-processor Communication
Low Heat Coil: C = 1.0", D = 1.25", 4 = Space Pressure Control with Bridge
E = 1.50", F = 2.0", G = 2.5" Exhaust VFD w/o Bypass 34 0 = No communication module
5 = Space Pressure Control with 34 Y = Trane Communication Interface Module
Digit 10 - Design Sequence
Exhaust and Bypass 34 7 = LonTalkĀ® Communication Interface Module
W = Disconnect Redesign 6 = VAV Supply Air Temperature Control 35 0 = None
Note: Sequence may be any letter
with VFD without Bypass 36 6 = Factory-Powered 15A GFI
A thru Z, or any digit 1 thru 9.
7 = VAV Supply Air Temperature Control Convenience Outlet
with VFD and Bypass
8 = Supply and Exhaust Fan with
Digit 11 - Exhaust Option
VFD and without Bypass
O = None 9 = Supply and Exhaust Fan with
7 = 100%, 15 HP w/ Statitrac VFD and Bypass
8 = 100%, 20 HP w/ Statitrac
9 = 100%, 25 HP w/ Statitrac
F = 50%, 15 HP
H = 100%, 30 HP w/ Statitrac
J = 100%, 40 HP w/ Statitrac
K = 100%, 15 HP w/o Statitrac (CV Only)
L = 100%, 20 HP w/o Statitrac (CV Only)
M = 100%, 25 HP w/o Statitrac (CV Only)
N = 100%, 30 HP w/o Statitrac (CV Only)
P = 100%, 40 HP w/o Statitrac (CV Only)
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