Management Tools
VBrick Appliance Getting Started Guide 15
VBrick SDK
The VBrick Software Development Kit enables individuals having a wide variety of abilities
to build applications around VBrick appliances to schedule, record, store, forward, manage,
and control VBrick appliance features. Advanced programming skills are not required in
order to utilize the functionality of the SDK. A basic knowledge of HTML and web
development is enough to create programs that address a specific need. Developers may
easily create applications using popular program languages such as Visual C++, Visual Basic,
VBScript, Javascript, or through the command line interface. The SDK comes with specific
source code examples. VBrick has SDKs for the following devices:
• VB1000-2000-3000 SDK – for MPEG-1 devices.
• VB4000-5000-6000 SDK– for MPEG-2, MPEG-4, and WM devices
• ETV Set Top Box SDK – for VBrick's EtherneTV Set Top Box.
• ETV Portal Server SDK – for VBrick's EtherneTV Portal Server.