42 © 2008 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Table 8. Front Panel Error Messages
Table 9. Front Panel Dialog Windows
Letters Letters for password and for responses. "6" corresponds to "n" for a
no response, "9" corresponds to "y" for a yes response.
Error Message Description
Edit in Progress Edit session in progress; Sign off any SNMP/CLI/IWS edit sessions.
Syntax Err 1 Syntax error.
Syntax Err 2 Syntax error.
Out of Range Value out of range.
Invalid Gateway Invalid Gateway Address or conflict with Gateway Address.
Invalid IP16 Attempt to enter IP with host ID equal to 0.
Invalid IP17 Attempt to enter broadcast address as IP.
Used Port Port in use.
Assigned Port Port has been assigned.
Invalid Mask23 Subnet mask makes IP Address a broadcast address.
Invalid Mask24 Subnet mask makes Gateway Address a broadcast address.
Invalid Mask25 Subnet mask makes Gateway Address invalid.
Other Errors Retry later. If error persists, contact VBrick Support Services.
Dialog Window Description
Password At this screen use the letter keys to enter in the current password
followed by the select key. Entering the operator password will not
allow you to change the IP Address, Subnet Mask, or Gateway IP.
Entering the case sensitive administrator password (admin) allows you
to change all of the configurable parameters.
DHCP Enable/Disable. If you enable DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol) the VBrick will reboot and attempt to obtain a dynamic IP
Address (6 = no, disable; 9 = yes, enable).
Box IP Addr This screen will display the current IP Address of the VBrick. If the
current setting does not need to be modified press the select key.
Otherwise enter in the correct value followed by the select key.
Subnet Mask This screen will display the current Subnet Mask of the VBrick. If the
current setting does not need to be modified press the select key.
Otherwise enter in the correct value followed by the select key.
Key Description