72 © 2008 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Open or Closed. The Relay port specification is dry contact, 75mOhms, 2A @ 30VDC, 0.5A
@ 125VAC. The mini stereo plug should be wired as shown in the following diagram.
Activity LED
The Activity LED behaves differently depending on the Part Number of the Main Board. On
appliances where the Part Number ends in 2, the Activity LED blinks green when there is
Ethernet activity. On appliances where the Part Number ends in 3 or higher, the appliance
has a tri-color LED that shows different status activities as shown in the table. (To determine
part number, open IWS and go to
Status: User Information > Main Board > Part Number.)
The tri-color
Activity LED blinks at one-second intervals in the following sequential order:
Table 21. Tri-Color Activity LED
Event Triggering
The VB6000 event triggering feature lets you use an external switch to control the function
of the VBrick. This section provides some examples of how to use this feature. In all the
examples, a high event is triggered when the switch is closed and a low event is triggered
when the switch is opened. The event trigger inputs on the VBrick recognize a high voltage
anywhere above +8 volts DC with an upper limit of +12 volts. A low voltage is anything at or
below 0 volts DC with a lower limit of -12 volts. The event can also be configured to run a
script on Pin 7 or Pin 8 depending on how the connection is configured. See "Configuration:
Script Management" in the VBrick MPEG-2/4 Appliance Admin Guide for configuration
details; see RS-232/422/485 COM Port Pinouts
for pinout details.
Example 1
Connect an external power supply (+8V to +12V) and a switch directly to the ground pin and
an event pin of the COM1 port on the VBrick.
Clear Off; no activity
Green Ethernet activity
Red If there is TX or RX activity on COM1
Orange If there is TX or RX activity on COM2
Note You cannot execute a script either with the IR Remote Control or using an event
trigger if IWS is currently running in
Edit mode. If you run a script directly from
IWS, it automatically exits
Edit mode and terminates the active editing session.