62 © 2008 VBrick Systems, Inc.
The general format is Command /Option/ Option (not case-sensitive). Entering a question
mark (?) at any level will display available options. First level command options are:
C – Configuration
D – Diagnostics
E – Begin or End Editing
M – Maintenance
S – Status
For example, entering
C will display available Configuration Options. Entering S will display
available status options, etc. To exit from any level to the previous level, type exit or ex at
the prompt. Ctrl-Z will always take you to the top level; ? or dir will display the available
Editing Configuration Parameters
Only one user can be in Edit mode at any time. It is advised that users Begin Edit, make
changes and End Edit so as not to interfere with other users. It is possible for a user to leave
IWS while still in the edit mode which leaves a subsequent user with the dilemma of choosing
whether or not to log off the first user. A second user may log off the first individual without
knowing if the first user is still engaged in editing or has simply forgotten to log off. At the
top level you may enter
e for available options and enter the selection on a separate line or if
you know the option number, you can enter the selection and option with a space. After a
Return the system will respond with Command Complete.
VBrick> e 1 – Displays editing status.
VBrick> e 2 – Begin/End editing.
If the appliance is being edited though a different interface, you will get a
Command Complete
response even though you did not become the active editor. The only way you can make sure
you are the active editor is when you display Editing Status and the display is admin. If the
field is blank you are not the active Editor. In Edit mode
Command Complete means the
command has been executed. When changing other parameters, it is necessary to apply the
command before the parameter will be changed in the VBrick. There are also global
commands that enable editing for use when you are within the file structure.
be – Begin edit
en – End edit
sh – Show editing status
Setting and Changing Parameters
When entering and changing parameters, (other than the Edit command), Command Complete
indicates that the user has entered an appropriate command not
that the command has been
carried out. In order to initiate the change it is necessary to use Apply and it must
be used at
the correct Command Level. The system will then respond Command Complete, this time
meaning that the command has been executed. It is necessary to enter the parameter being
changed along with the entry. Don't forget that the command will not be executed until it is