123 tAUd EQ1 FRQ
Function: Selects the center frequency of the lower range
for the parametric microphone equalizer.
Available Values: OFF/100 ~ 700 Hz (100 Hz/step)
Default Setting: OFF
OFF: The equalizer gain and Q-factor are set to
factory defaults (flat).
100 ~ 700: Center frequencies of 100 Hz ~ 700 Hz.
You may adjust the equalizer gain and Q-
factor at this selected audio frequency via
menu items “124 tAUd EQ1 LVL” and
“125 tAUd EQ1 BW.”
124 tAUd EQ1 LVL
Function: Adjusts the equalizer gain of the low range of
the parametric microphone equalizer.
Available Values: –10 ~ +10
Default Setting: +5
125 tAUd EQ1 BW
Function: Adjusts the Q-factor of the low range of the
parametric microphone equalizer.
Available Values: 1 ~ 10
Default Setting: 10
126 tAUd EQ2 FRQ
Function: Selects the center frequency of the middle range
for the parametric microphone equalizer.
Available Values: OFF/700 ~ 1500 Hz (100 Hz/step)
Default Setting: OFF
OFF: The equalizer gain and Q-factor are set
to factory defaults (flat).
700 ~ 1500: Center frequencies of 700 Hz ~ 1500 Hz.
You may adjust the equalizer gain and
Q-factor at this selected audio frequency
via menu items “127 tAUd EQ2 LVL”
and “128 EQ2 BW.”
127 tAUd EQ2 LVL
Function: Adjusts the equalizer gain of the middle range
of the parametric microphone equalizer.
Available Values: –10 ~ +10
Default Setting: +5
128 tAUd EQ2 BW
Function: Adjusts the Q-factor of the middle range of the
parametric microphone equalizer.
Available Values: 1 ~ 10
Default Setting: 10
129 tUAd EQ3 FRQ
Function: Selects the center frequency of the high range
for the parametric microphone equalizer.
Available Values: OFF/1500 ~ 3200 Hz (100 Hz/step)
Default Setting: OFF
OFF: The equalizer gain and Q-factor are set
to factory defaults (flat).
1500 ~ 3200: Center frequencies of 1500 Hz ~ 3200 Hz.
You may adjust the equalizer gain and
Q-factor in this selected audio fre-
quency via menu items “130 tUAd EQ3
LVL” and “131 tUAd EQ3 BW.”
130 tUAd EQ3 LVL
Function: Adjusts the equalizer gain of the high range of
the parametric microphone equalizer.
Available Values: –10 ~ +10
Default Setting: +5
131 tUAd EQ3 BW
Function: Adjusts the Q-factor of the high range of the
parametric microphone equalizer.
Available Values: 1 ~ 10
Default Setting: 10
132 tAUd PE1 FRQ
Function: Selects the center frequency of the lower range
for the parametric microphone equalizer when the speech
processor is activated.
Available Values: OFF/100 ~ 700 Hz (100 Hz/step)
Default Setting: 200 Hz
OFF: The equalizer gain and Q-factor are set to
factory defaults (flat).
100 ~ 700: Center frequencies of 100 Hz ~ 700 Hz.
You may adjust the equalizer gain and Q-
factor at this selected audio frequency via
menu items “133 tAUd PE1 LVL” and
“134 tAUd PE1 BW.”
133 tAUd PE1 LVL
Function: Adjusts the equalizer gain of the low range of
the parametric microphone equalizer when the speech pro-
cessor is activated.
Available Values: –10 ~ +10
Default Setting: –10
134 tAUd PE1 BW
Function: Adjusts the Q-factor of the low range of the
parametric microphone equalizer when the speech proces-
sor is activated.
Available Values: 1 ~ 10
Default Setting: 2