
93FT-857 Operating Manual
Display Color
The LCD color may be changed using the Menu Mode for different operating status condi-
tions. For example, the display may be configured to show a different color according to
ARTS status, by Band, by Memory Group, by VFO/Memory/HOME/QMB status, or may
be set to indicate different colors according to meter indication (i.e. signal strength, power
output, etc.). Two banks (“1” and “2”) of color combination patterns are available for all
selections except “FIX.”
1. Press and hold in the
key for one second to activate the Menu mode.
2. Rotate the SELECT knob to select Menu Mode No-041
3. Press the SELECT knob momentarily, then rotate the DIAL to select the desired operat-
ing status which you wish utilize. The default selections are:
ARTS: The color changes depending on the “In Range” or “Out of Range” status.
BAND: The color changes according to the Band in use.
FIX: This is a fixed display color, with 32 selections available.
MEMGRP: The color changes according to the selected Memory Group.
MODE: The color changes according to the selected Mode.
MTR: The color changes according to the S-meter, PWR-meter, MOD-meter, SWR-
meter, or ALC-meter reading.
VFO: The color changes according to the VFO/Memory/HOME/QMB status.
4. Press the SELECT knob momentarily, then rotate the DIAL to select the desired color
bank to be utilized in conjunction with the selection made in step 3.
5. When you have completed your selection(s), press and hold in the
key button
for one second to exit the Menu mode.