
DRS rules
creating 52
deleting 53
disabling 52
editing 52
DRS tab
Faults page 68
History page 69
Recommendations page 67
using 67
DRS Troubleshooting Guide 68
dual-processor virtual machine 15
dynamic load balancing, NUMA 73
Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling
(DVFS) 22
Enhanced VMotion Compatibility (EVC) 16, 47,
48, 65
entering maintenance mode 55
memory allocation 28
memory reclamation 29
batch mode 94
common statistics description 81
CPU panel 82
interactive mode 80
interactive mode command-line options 80
interactive mode single-key commands 81
interrupt panel 94
memory panel 84
network panel 93
order pages 81
performance monitoring 79
replay mode 95
statistics column 81
storage adapter panel 87
storage device panel 89
virtual machine storage panel 91
Exit Standby Error 64
expandable reservations, example 40
fully automated DRS 48
grafted, resource pool 53, 54
group power on 44
home nodes, NUMA 73
host-local swap
DRS cluster 31
standalone host 31
adding to DRS clusters 53, 54
advanced attributes 97
as resource providers 7
entering maintenance mode 55
removing from a DRS cluster 55
and ESX/ESXi 18
core sharing modes 19
CPU affinity 18
CPU.MachineClearThreshold 20
disabling 17
disabling quarantining 97
enabling 19
performance implications 18
quarantining 20
server configuration for 19
hyperthreading modes 19
IBM Enterprise X-Architecture 74
idle memory tax 29
iLO, configuring 61
initial placement, NUMA 73
Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI),
configuring 61
invalid DRS clusters 59
Last Time Exited Standby 63
limit 10
load balancing, virtual machines 45
logical processors 17
LPage.LPageAlwaysTryForNPT 98
LPage.LPageDefragEnable 98
LPage.LPageDefragRateTotal 98
LPage.LPageDefragRateVM 98
maintenance mode, entering 55
manual DRS 48
Mem.AllocGuestLargePage 98
Mem.AllocUseGuestPool 98
Mem.AllocUsePSharePool 98
Mem.BalancePeriod 98
Mem.CtlMaxPercent 98
Mem.IdleTax 29, 98
Mem.SamplePeriod 28, 98
Mem.ShareScanGHz 32, 98
Mem.ShareScanTime 32, 98
vSphere Resource Management Guide
102 VMware, Inc.