CPU Section
The following information about CPU resource allocation is shown:
Table 1-2. CPU Resource Allocation
Field Description
Total Capacity Guaranteed CPU allocation, in megahertz (MHz), reserved for this object.
Reserved Capacity Number of megahertz (MHz) of the reserved allocation that this object is using.
Available Capacity Number of megahertz (MHz) not reserved.
Memory Section
The following information about memory resource allocation is shown:
Table 1-3. Memory Resource Allocation
Field Description
Total Capacity Guaranteed memory allocation, in megabytes (MB), for this object.
Reserved Capacity Number of megabytes (MB) of the reserved allocation that this object is using.
Overhead Reservation The amount of the “Reserved Capacity” field that is being reserved for
virtualization overhead.
Available Capacity Number of megabytes (MB) not reserved.
NOTE Reservations for the root resource pool of a cluster that is enabled for VMware HA might be larger than
the sum of the explicitly-used resources in the cluster. These reservations not only reflect the reservations for
the running virtual machines and the hierarchically-contained (child) resource pools in the cluster, but also
the reservations needed to support VMware HA failover. See the vSphere Availability Guide.
The Resource Allocation tab also displays a chart showing the resource pools and virtual machines in the DRS
cluster with the following CPU or memory usage information. To view CPU or memory information, click the
CPU button or Memory button, respectively.
Table 1-4. CPU or Memory Usage Information
Field Description
Name Name of the object.
Reservation - MHz Guaranteed minimum CPU allocation, in megahertz (MHz), reserved for this object.
Reservation - MB Guaranteed minimum memory allocation, in megabytes (MB), for this object.
Limit - MHz Maximum amount of CPU the object can use.
Limit - MB Maximum amount of memory the object can use.
Shares A relative metric for allocating CPU or memory capacity. The values Low, Normal, High, and
Custom are compared to the sum of all shares of all virtual machines in the enclosing resource
Shares Value Actual value based on resource and object settings.
% Shares Percentage of cluster resources assigned to this object.
Worst Case Allocation The amount of (CPU or memory) resource that is allocated to the virtual machine based on user-
configured resource allocation policies (for example, reservation, shares and limit), and with the
assumption that all virtual machines in the cluster consume their full amount of allocated
resources. The values for this field must be updated manually by pressing the F5 key.
Type Type of reserved CPU or memory allocation, either Expandable or Fixed.
vSphere Resource Management Guide
12 VMware, Inc.