Cluster Summary Tab VMware DRS Section
The VMware DRS section appears in the cluster's Summary tab only if VMware DRS is enabled.
Table 7-2. VMware DRS Section
Field Description
Migration Automation Level Manual, Partially Automated, Fully Automated.
Power Management Automation Level Off, Manual, Automatic.
DRS Recommendations Number of DRS migration recommendations awaiting user confirmation. If the
value is nonzero, opens the Recommendations page of the cluster’s DRS tab.
DRS Faults Number of DRS faults currently outstanding. If the value is nonzero, opens the
Faults page of the cluster’s DRS tab.
Migration Threshold Indicates the priority level of migration recommendations to apply or generate.
Target host load standard deviation A value derived from the migration threshold setting that indicates the value
under which load imbalance is to be kept.
Current host load standard deviation A value indicating the current load imbalance in the cluster. This value should be
less than the target host load standard deviation unless unapplied DRS
recommendations or constraints preclude attaining that level.
View Resource Distribution Chart Opens the Resource Distribution chart that provides CPU and memory utilization
VMware DRS Resource Distribution Chart
The VMware DRS Resource Distribution chart displays CPU and memory utilization information.
Open this chart by clicking the View Resource Distribution Chart link on the Summary tab for a VMware DRS
CPU Utilization
CPU utilization is displayed on a per-virtual machine basis, grouped by host. The chart shows information for
each virtual machine as a colored box, which symbolizes the percentage of entitled resources (as computed by
DRS) that are delivered to it. If the virtual machine is receiving its entitlement, this box should be green. If it
is not green for an extended time, you might want to investigate what is causing this shortfall (for example,
unapplied recommendations).
If you hold the pointer over the box for a virtual machine, its utilization information (Consumed versus
Entitlement) appears.
You can toggle the display of CPU resources between % and MHz by clicking the appropriate button.
Memory Utilization
Memory utilization is displayed on a per-virtual machine basis, grouped by host.
If you hold the pointer over the box for a virtual machine, its utilization information (Consumed versus
Entitlement) appears.
You can toggle the display of memory resources between % and MB by clicking the appropriate button.
vSphere Resource Management Guide
66 VMware, Inc.