interactive mode command-line options 80
interactive mode single-key commands 81
interrupt panel 94
memory panel 84
network panel 93
options 79
order pages 81
performance monitoring 79
statistics column 81
storage adapter panel 87
storage device panel 89
virtual machine storage panel 91
root resource pool 35
sched.mem.maxmemctl 29, 100
sched.mem.pshare.enable 100
sched.swap.dir 100
sched.swap.persist 100
server configuration for hyperthreading 19
service console, memory use 23
shares 9
sharing memory 24
siblings 35
single virtual machine power on 44
single-processor virtual machine 15
single-threaded applications 16
SMP virtual machines 16
standby mode, Last Time Exited Standby 63
statistics, esxtop 81
statistics, resxtop 81
swap file
deleting 32
location 31
using 30
swap space 31
System Resource Allocation Table (SRAT) 72
valid DRS clusters 57
vCenter Server events 64
virtual machine affinity 51
virtual machine anti-affinity 51
Virtual Machine File System (VMFS) 47, 100
virtual machines
adding to DRS clusters 54
adding to resource pools 38
advanced attributes 99
as resource consumers 8
assigning to a specific processor 21
automation modes 49
configuration file 47
memory 23, 29
migration 45
monitor 25
number of virtual processors 16
overhead memory 28
removing from a DRS cluster 56
removing from resource pools 39
sharing memory across 32
vMA 79
VMFS (Virtual Machine File System) 47, 100
VMkernel.Boot.sharePerNode 73, 99
VMM 23, 25
Mem.CtlMaxPercent 98
sched.mem.maxmemctl 100
VMware HA 11, 48, 51, 55, 65
vSphere CLI 79
vSphere Client 11, 13, 17, 27, 65, 67
vSphere Management Assistant 79
vSphere SDK 17
wake protocols 60
Wake-on-LAN (WOL), testing 62
working set size 28
yellow DRS clusters 58
vSphere Resource Management Guide
104 VMware, Inc.