
June 23, 2010 T13/2132-D Revision 3
Working Draft Enhanced Disk Drive - 4 (EDD-4) 9
number representations to increase readability or delineate field boundaries (e.g., B FD8C FA23h or
A decimal number is represented in this standard by any sequence of digits consisting of only the Arabic
numerals 0 through 9 not immediately followed by a lower-case b or lower-case h (e.g., 25). This standard uses
the following conventions for representing decimal numbers:
a) the decimal separator (i.e., separating the integer and fractional portions of the number) is a period;
b) the thousands separator (i.e., separating groups of three digits in a portion of the number) is a space;
c) the thousands separator is used in both the integer portion and the fraction portion of a number.
Table 3 shows some examples of decimal numbers using various numbering conventions.
A decimal number represented in this standard with an overline over one or more digits following the decimal
point is a number where the overlined digits are infinitely repeating (e.g., 666.6 means 666.666 666... or 666 2/3,
and 12.142 857 means 12.142 857 142 857... or 12 1/7).
3.3.6 Bit conventions
Name (n:m), where n shall be greater than m, denotes a set of bits (e.g., Feature (7:0)). n:m where n shall be
greater than m denotes a bit range in a table.
3.3.7 Number range convention
p..q, where p is less than q, represents a range of numbers (e.g., words 100..103 represents words 100, 101,
102, and 103).
3.3.8 Register and CF Contents
The value contained in a register is expressed as "register name = value" (e.g., AH = 01h). The value contained
in CF (the Carry Flag) is expressed as "CF = value" (e.g., CF = 1b).
3.3.9 Interrupt Services and Functions
The format for a function that is called via an interrupt service is:
INT XXh FN YYh where XXh is the interrupts service number and YYh is the number of the function that
is performed by the service.
Table 3 — Numbering conventions
French English This standard
0,6 0.6 0.6
3,141 592 65 3.14159265 3.141 592 65
1 000 1,000 1 000
1 323 462,95 1,323,462.95 1 323 462.95