
T13/2132-D Revision 3 June 23, 2010
26 Working Draft Enhanced Disk Drive - 4 (EDD-4)
boot images. Another example of a section would be to identify a specific model and manufacturer of a PC. This
would allow the PC to boot software specific to the system. Table 18 describes the section header.
Table 18 — Section Header
Offset Type Description
00h Byte Header ID
ID Description
90 Type is Section Header, there shall be more sections following this one
91 Type is Section Header, this is the final section
01h Byte Platform ID
ID Description
1 Power PC
02h-03h Word Number of section entries. This is the number of Section Entries and Section Entry
Extensions following this header. There shall be at least one Section Entry (see
7.2.5xxx for more information) in each section. If the Header ID is 90h then a
Section Header shall follow the last section entry. If the Head ID is 91h then the last
section entry shall be the last entry in the boot catalog.
04h-1Fh Byte ID String. This identifies the section and serves as the section name.