June 23, 2010 T13/2132-D Revision 3
Working Draft Enhanced Disk Drive - 4 (EDD-4) 15
6 >8GB INT 13h Functions
6.1 Overview
The extended INT 13h functions are numbered from 41h through 49h, 4E, and 50h. These functions are different
from the conventional INT 13h interface in the following ways:
a) register conventions have been changed to support the passing of data structures;
b) all media addressing information shall be passed via a buffer, not registers; and
c) flags are used to identify optional capabilities.
The caller shall specify a device number in the DL register when calling functions 41h through 48h. This is a
logical number that has been assigned to the physical device by system firmware. The physical device
addressing information can be retrieved via INT 13h FN 48h. The following registers in IA-32 and IA-64
compatible systems are used: AX, BX, CX, DX, DS, and SI.
6.2 Data Structure
The data structure for the INT 13h extensions shall be the device address packet. INT 13h converts addressing
information in the device address packet to default parameters appropriate to the media. Table 9 defines the
device address packet.
Table 8 — Extended Function Definitions
Function Description
41h Check Extensions Present (see 8.14)
42h Extended Read (see 8.15)
43h Extended Write (see 8.16)
44h Verify Sectors (see 8.17)
45h Lock/Unlock Media (see 8.18)
46h Eject Removable Media (see 8.19)
47h Obsolete
48h Get Device Parameters (see 8.20)
49h Get Extended Media Change Status (see 8.21)
4Eh Set Hardware Configuration (see 8.26)
50h Send Packet Command (see 8.27)