
June 23, 2010 T13/2132-D Revision 3
Working Draft Enhanced Disk Drive - 4 (EDD-4) 49
16 QWord Number of sectors. This shall be one greater than the maximum sector number. If this
field is greater than 15,482,880 then word 2, bit 1 shall be cleared to zero.
24 Word Number of bytes in a sector.
26 DWord Pointer to the Device Parameter Table Extension (DPTE). This field follows the
seg:offset address format. The DPTE shall only be present if INT 13h, FN 41h, CX
register bit 2 is set to one. This field points to a temporary buffer that the BIOS may
invalidate on subsequent INT 13h calls. If the length of this result buffer is less than 30,
the DPTE shall not be present. This field is only used for INT 13h based systems
configured with ATA or ATAPI devices.
30 Word 0BEDDh - Key, indicates presence of Device Path Information
32 Byte Length of Device Path Information including the key. The content of this byte shall be
33 Byte Reserved
34 Word Reserved
36 ASCII Host bus type, 4 bytes. ASCII data shall be left justified and padded with the value 20h
PCI PCI Local Bus 50h 43h 49h 20h
ISA Conventional 16 bit fixed bus 49h 53h 41h 20h
PCIX PCI-X Bus 50h 43h 49h 58h
IBND Infiniband 49h 42h 4Eh 44h
XPRS PCI Express 58h 50h 52h 53h
HTPT HyperTransport 48h 54h 50h 54h
40 ASCII Interface type, 8 bytes. ASCII data shall be left justified and padded with the value 20h
ATA ATA/ATAPI compliant device using ATA
41h 54h 41h 20h 20h 20h 20h 20h
ATAPI ATA/ATAPI compliant device using
ATAPI commands
41h 54h 41h 50h 49h 20h 20h 20h
SCSI SCSI compliant device 53h 43h 53h 49h 20h 20h 20h 20h
USB USB Mass Storage compliant device 55h 53h 42h 20h 20h 20h 20h 20h
1394 1394 Mass Storage device 31h 33h 39h 34h 20h 20h 20h 20h
FIBRE Fibre Channel 46h 49h 42h 52h 45h 20h 20h 20h
O Intelligent Input/Output 49h 32h 4Fh 20h 20h 20h 20h 20h
RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
(RAID) member
52h 41h 49h 44h 20h 20h 20h 20h
SATA Serial ATA device in non-PATA
emulation mode
53h 41h 54h 41h 20h 20h 20h 20h
SAS Serial Attached SCSI 53h 41h 53h 20h 20h 20h 20h 20h
48 Interface Path (see table 23)
56 Device Path (see table 24)
72 Byte Reserved
73 Byte Checksum for Device Path Information includes the 0BEDDh signature. The content of
this field shall be the two's complement of the unsigned sum of offset 30 through 72.
The unsigned sum of offset 30 through 73 shall be 0.
Table 22 — Result Buffer
Offset Type Description