Interfacing the XMP 2600 Programming messages formats
Programming messages formats
Programming messages received by the XMP 2600 are comprised of the following
Program Message.......................... a programming command, query or data sent to the
XMP 2600 from the Controller. A Program Message
may have zero or more of the following:
Program Message Unit .. the actual command or query (including data) sent to
the XMP 2600 by the Controller. A Program Message
Unit is either a Command Message Unit or a Query
Message Unit. The Program Message Unit is made
out of the following elements:
Command Program Header or Query Program Header
............................. the Program Header represents the operation to be
performed by the XMP 2600. A Query Program
Header is always ended with a “?”. Headers can be in
Lower or Upper Case letters.
Program Header Separator separates the Program Header
from the Program Data elements. It is the ASCII
character <white space>.
Program Data ...... zero or more Program Data elements separated by a
Program Data Separator may be included in the
Message Unit (as required by the specific Program
Header). A Program Data element may be one of the
<ch> ............ Channel Number is a decimal number in the range 1
to 16.
<value> ....... a Decimal Value expressed either in implicit or
explicit point format. In some cases a sign (“+” or “-”)
may precede it.
<int>............ a Decimal Integer Value.
<string>....... a series of ASCII characters enclosed within a pair of
a specific character.
Program Data Separator separates Program Data elements. It is
the ASCII character “,” and may have any number of
<white space> characters surrounding it.
Program Message Unit Separator separates Program Message Units
contained within a single Program Message. The
Separator is the ASCII character “;” and may have
any number of <white space> characters surrounding
Program Message Terminator ...... terminates the Program Message. Together they form
a complete transmission. The Terminator may be one
of the following:
<LF> or <NL>.............. Line Feed or New Line (ASCII code 10).
<CR><LF> ................... Carriage Return & Line Feed (ASCII codes 13 & 10).
<EOI>............................ the GPIB single line EOI message. It may be
combined with a <LF> ASCII code byte.
XMP 2600 Programming Manual
rev. 1.1 3