Alphabetical reference Commands and Queries Reference
SHUT defines the optional events that will cause a single, group or global
Syntax SHUT <int>
Parameters the integer is a value in the range 0 to 7, derived
from summing the following event category
1 – errors reported by the Power Module (not
including error codes 7 and 8).
2 – sense warning.
4 – window warning.
Category System Type: Sequential
SHUT? returns the current selection of non-fault events that will cause a
single, group or global shutdown. The returned value (in the range 0 to
7) is a sum of individual events categories selections (see SHUT
command above).
Syntax SHUT?
Parameters none
Category System Type: Sequential
When the Power Supply is turned on or a full reset is performed, the
selection of non-fault events that will cause a single or global shutdown is
SN? return the Power Module’s Serial Number. The result is a six digit
Syntax SN? <ch>
Parameters the number of the channel to be queried.
Category System Type: Sequential
SRQS? return the Power Modules Summary Register. The result is two
decimal numbers. Each bit of the reply represents a channel. A bit
value of “0” means that the Power Module has no enabled status
events. A bit value of “1” means that it has. The reply is a 16-bit value
with its high order byte sent first. The summary bits are cleared and
<rqs> re-calculated.
Syntax SRQS?
Parameters none
Category Status Type: Sequential
60 XMP 2600 Programming Manual rev. 1.1