Basic Programming Basic setup and usage
Basic Programming
This chapter guides you through the process of programming the XMP 2600 to provide
power at the outputs of its Power Modules.
Basic setup and usage
Assuming the XMP 2600 is initialized at turn-on (or no advanced features were used
before) it is possible to rely on the default setup of the XMP 2600 and use a very small
and basic set of commands.
Using the VSET and ISET commands you can program each Power Module to provide
the required output voltage and current. The commands to use have the form:
VSET <ch>,<value> (e.g. VSET 1,12.44 to set channel 1 to provide 12.44V)
ISET <ch>,<value> (e.g. ISET 1,5 to set channel 1 to a current limit of 5A).
For the Power Modules’ outputs to be turned on you should issue an ON command to
each Power Module as well as a global output enable command. The commands to use
have the form:
OUT 1 (global output enable)
OUT <ch>,1 (to turn on the individual Power Module)
To turn off the outputs of the XMP 2600 use one of the following methods:
1. Turn off all the outputs using the global output disable command: OUT 0.
2. Turn off individual Power Modules using the command: OUT <ch>,0.
This basic setup is sufficient for a very basic usage of the XMP 2600. The XMP 2600
automatically programs the Over Voltage and Over Current protection levels (+10%) and
no other protection or warning mechanism is activated.
Output Setup
Using a very basic setup (as described above) might be sufficient for some applications
but not for all of them.
XMP 2600 Programming Manual
rev. 1.1 17