Alphabetical reference Commands and Queries Reference
GRP? return the current definition of the group of Power Modules. The
response is made up of two decimal numbers (each in the range 0 to
255) being the high (sent first) and low parts of a 16-bit word. Each
bit in the response represents one Power Module (see GRP command
for details on bit values).
Syntax GRP?
Parameters none
Category System Type: Sequential
IALL? return output current measurements of all installed Power Modules.
The response is a series of values - one for each installed Power
Module, separated with “,”, starting with the lower numbered module.
Syntax IALL?
Parameters none
Category Read-back Type: Sequential
ID? return the identification string: ‘XANTREX XMP 2600’.
Syntax ID?
Parameters none
Category System Type: Sequential
IHIGH program the upper window warning level for the output current of the
Power Module.
Syntax IHIGH <ch>,<value>
Parameters the number of the Power Module to be programmed.
the value to be set as the upper window warning
level for the output current. The upper limit of the
programmed value is IMAX. The lower limit of the
programmed value is ISET.
Category Warnings Type: Sequential
IHIGH? return the current settings for the upper window warning level of the
output current of the Power Module. The response is a <value>.
Syntax IHIGH? <ch>
Parameters the number of the channel to be queried.
Category warnings Type: Sequential
50 XMP 2600 Programming Manual rev. 1.1