Server Fax
Xerox WorkCentre 4260 Series System Administration Guide 177
Server Fax
Problem Action
I cannot use this feature on the
1. If a Server Fax Confirmation Report is produced check the
2. Print a Server Fax Confirmation Report to check that Server Fax
is configured correctly.
3. Ensure that the fax filing location, User account and password
are correctly configured on the machine.
4. Ensure that the User account has Read and Write access to the
fax filing location.
5. At a workstation on your network, login to the fax filing
location with the User account and copy a file into the location.
If you cannot do this, the Xerox machine will not be able to fax
to this location.
Check the Third Party Fax Server Configuration
1. At the fax server, disable the service so that it does not try to
collect new faxes from the fax filing repository. This will depend
on the particular product but often the relevant service can be
stopped. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions contained
with the fax server software to complete this task.
2. Send a test fax from the machine.
3. View the location on the server where the fax filing repository
was created. Verify that a directory with the extension .XSM
has been created and contains the correct TIFF files (one per
page of the fax sent).
If the fax filing repository contains the .TIFF files then the machine
has successfully completed its task. The problem lies with the third
party fax server. Ensure that the server is configured correctly and the
path to the fax filing repository is set. Refer to the manufacturer's
instructions contained with the fax server software to complete this