MOTIF Reference
Voice Edit mode
Reference Voice mode
The best way to understand Amplitude Scaling is by
example. For the settings shown in the example
display above, the basic Amplitude (volume) value
for the selected element is 80, and the various Offset
values at the selected Break point settings change
that basic value accordingly. The specific changes to
the Amplitude are shown in the diagram below. The
Amplitude changes in a linear fashion between
successive Break Points as shown.
n BP1 to BP4 will be automatically be arranged in
ascending order across the keyboard.
n Regardless of the size of these Offsets, the
minimum and maximum Cutoff limits (values of 0
and 127, respectively) cannot be exceeded.
n Any note played below the BP1 note results in the
BP1 Level setting. Likewise, any note played above
the BP4 note results in the BP4 Level setting.
● [F5] Normal Element LFO
Basic Structure (page 47)
This display gives you a comprehensive set of
controls over the LFO for each individual element.
The LFO can be used to create vibrato, wah,
tremolo and other special effects, by applying it to
the pitch, filter and amplitude parameters.
Determines the LFO waveform used to vary the sound.
❏ Settings saw, tri, squ
• Speed
Determines the speed of the LFO waveform. The higher
the value, the faster the speed.
❏ Settings 0 ~ 63
When this is set to on, the LFO waveform is reset every
time a note is played.
❏ Settings off, on
Determines the delay time before the LFO comes into
effect. A higher value results in a longer delay time.
❏ Settings 0 ~ 127
• PMOD (Pitch Modulation Depth)
Determines the amount (depth) by which the LFO
waveform varies (modulates) the pitch of the sound. The
higher the value, the greater the amount of pitch
❏ Settings 0 ~ 127
Break Point 1 Break Point 2 Break Point 3 Break Point 4
saw (sawtooth wave)
squ (square wave)
tri (triangle wave)
Speed = Fast Speed = Slow
Key on
Key on
Sync onSync off
Short delay Long delay
Key on
Key on