MOTIF Reference
Performance Edit mode
Reference Performance mode
• OutputSwitch
When this is set to on, Arpeggio playback data is output
from the MIDI terminal.
❏ Settings on, off
• TransmitCh
Determines the MIDI transmit channel for Arpeggio
playback data.
❏ Settings 1 ~ 16
● [F4] Common Controller Assign
The controllers and knobs on the front panel can be
used to change and adjust a variety of parameters —
in real time, and simultaneously.
For example, you could use the ASSIGN 1 and 2
knobs to control effect depth for two different
effects, while using the Foot Controller to control
modulation. These control assignments are called
“Controller Assign.” You can have independent
Controller Assign settings for each performance.
❏ Settings (See chart below)
Control Change Numbers
● [F6]-[SF1] Common Effect Connection
Basic Structure (page 40)
This display gives you comprehensive control over
the effects.
• EF PART (Effect part) ➡ VCE INS (Voice
Determines the part to which the Insertion effect is
applied. The Insertion connection type (page 40) depends
on the voice of the selected part.
❏ Settings Part 1 ~ 4, Plug-in Part 1 ~ 3, off
• EF PART (Effect part) ➡ PLG-EF (Plug-in
Determines the part to which the Insertion effect is
applied. This parameter is available only when a special
Effect Plug-in board (VH) has been installed.
❏ Settings Part 1~4, Plug-in Part 1~3, A/D, off
• Variation Type
Determines the Variation effect type.
❏ Settings Refer to the Effect Types list in the separate
Data List booklet.
• Variation Return
Determines the Return level of the Variation Effect.
❏ Settings 0 ~ 127
• Variation Pan
Determines the pan position of the Variation effect sound.
❏ Settings L64 (far left) ~cnt (center) ~ R63 (far
• Variation To Reverb
Determines the Send level of the signal sent from the
Variation Effect to the Reverb Effect.
❏ Settings 0 ~ 127
• Variation To Chorus
Determines the Send level of the signal sent from the
Variation Effect to the Chorus Effect.
❏ Settings 0 ~ 127
• Chorus Type
Determines the Chorus effect type.
❏ Settings Refer to the Effect Types list in the separate
Data List booklet.
• Chorus Return Level)
Determines the Return level of the Chorus Effect.
❏ Settings 0 ~ 127
• Chorus Pan
Determines the pan position of the Chorus effect sound.
❏ Settings L64 (far left) ~ cnt (center) ~ R63 (far right)
00 off 32 off
01 ModWheel 64 Sustain
02 Breath 65 PortaSw
04 FootCtrl 66 Sostenut
05 PortTime 67 Soft
06 Data Ent 72 Release
07 MainVol 74 Bright
10 Panpot 75 Decay
11 Express 84 PortaCtl
16 General 1 91 Effect 1
17 General 2 92 Effect 2
18 General 3 93 Effect 3
19 General 4
Determines the Control Change numbers
for Foot Controllers 1 and 2. To control
these functions, connect Foot Controllers
to the FOOT CONTROLLER jacks on the
rear panel (page 28).
Determines the Control
Change numbers for the
ASSIGN 1 and 2 knobs
on the front panel.
Set the Control Change number for the Breath Controller.
The function set here can be controlled by the Breath Controller
connected to the BREATH CONTROLLER (page 28) jacks on the
rear panel.