MOTIF Basic Structure
Main functions
Basic Structure
Data created by Sampling
Regardless of the mode, the raw Sampled data is the
same, of course. However, various parameters are
different, depending on the particular mode or
settings. Briefly, here is an explanation of what
kinds of data are created in the Sampling function.
● Sampling data common to all modes
•Wave (Sample data)
This is the raw audio data stored in the MOTIF’s
memory when sampling. For details on Wave, see
page 44.
•Key Bank
The note range and velocity range to which the
Sample is assigned, is called the Key Bank.
The group of Key Banks to which sample data is
assigned is called the Waveform.
For a clearer idea of the explanations above, see the following
illustration. In this example, the Waveform is made up of five
Samples, assigned to a key range of D#2 - F4, in five Key Banks.
● Data created by sampling in the Voice/
Performance mode
• User Voice
The sample data of Waves recorded or imported to
the MOTIF cannot be played directly. First, they
must be saved as User Voices, which when selected,
can be played from the keyboard or sequencer. Also,
these User Voices can be assigned as Performance
parts — just as with the Preset Voices.
● Data created by sampling in the Song/
Pattern mode
• Sample Voice
Voices that are automatically stored when sampling in the
Song/Pattern mode are referred to as “Sample Voices.”
Sample Voices can be assigned to instrument parts
corresponding to the track which was assigned in the
Sampling Setup display, and they can be sounded while
Song/Pattern data is being played back.
Sample Voices are original, dedicated Voices for the
particular Song/Pattern that was selected when sampling.
Because of this, you cannot take a Sample Voice belonging
to one Song or Pattern and use it in another Song or
PatternIn essence, Sample Voice data is the same as that of
Normal Voices or Drum Voices — with the exception that
you cannot select Sample Voices in the Voice or
Performance mode. (However, you CAN select the Wave
of the Sample Voice in Voice Edit.)
• Note Data (when the Sample type is set to
“Sample + Note” )
This not only stores the sampled wave as a Sample
Voice in the Song/Pattern mode, but it also records it
to the assigned sequencer track.
•Key Bank and Sequence data according to
Audio phrase (when the Sample type is set to
“Slice + Seq”)
Key bank
Wave form
Key Number
(Note Number)
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 4
Sample 3 Sample 5
Song or Pattern
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 16
Specify the track.
Store as a Sample Voice
Fixed to C - 2
Assigned to
a specified
key (note)
Fixed to C - 2
Sliced into
several parts
and assigned
to keys (notes)